Agenda item

Agenda item

Recommendations from the Executive

To consider recommendations from the meeting of the Executive, 9 February 2016and answer questions asked under Rule No. 13.1.



(a)Traded Services to Schools & Academies - Proposed Charges for 2016/17


 (pages 11-12)


(b) Redevelopment of Dunstable Leisure Centre and Library


(pages 13-14)


(c) Budget 2016/17 and Medium Term Financial Plan


(pages 15-16)


NOTE: Please find attached an update explaining the final Financial Settlement and replacement appendices (A) and (Ci) to the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP).

(pages 17-28)


(d) Capital Programme 2016/17 to 2019/20


(pages 29-30)


(e) Budget for the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Business Plan) 


(pages 31-32)


(f) Treasury Management Strategy and Treasury Policy


                                                                                                            (pages 33-34)


(g)and to present the Council Tax resolution


 (pages 35-50)



Please note: The papers for (a) to (f) above may be seen at the following link:





(a)  Traded Services to Schools & Academies – Proposed Charges for 2016/17.


The Council considered a recommendation from the Executive proposing charges for traded services to schools and academies for non statutory services for the year ahead.  An inflation rate had been applied in line with the Council’s Budget Strategy.




that the charges for 2016/17 for non-statutory services to schools and academies be approved.


(b)  Redevelopment of Dunstable Leisure Centre and Library


The Council considered a recommendation from the Executive for revised proposals for the re-development of the Dunstable leisure centre and library.




that an additional £3.519m be allocated to the redevelopment of Dunstable Leisure Centre and Library in accordance with the revised option 7 as set out in the report to the Executive, on 9 February 2016.


(c)  Budget 2016/17 & Medium Term Financial Plan


The Council considered recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on 9 February 2016 seeking approval of the proposed Medium Term Financial Plan and Revenue Budget 2016/17.


An explanatory report was also noted, which set out the additional transitional funding sums announced recently by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for - 2016/17 and 2017/18 and the intention to use these sums to reduce the call on reserves.


Additionally, Members also noted the full results of the consultation which had ben carried out on the proposed budget.


In his introduction, the Executive Member for Corporate Resources drew attention to the factors which had influenced the proposed budget and the financial challenges faced by local authorities.  He referred to the significant social and economic drivers of change within Central Bedfordshire across the medium term and beyond.  He commented that the budget had to be sustainable, affordable and support the Council’s priorities.  He advised that transitional funds had been announced recently that he was grateful to local MP’s for helping to make this Council’s case to Government.


The Leaders of the Independent and Labour Groups commented on the proposed budget.  The Executive Member for Corporate Resources thanked Members for their supportive comments which had been made and emphasised that the budget proposals had been drawn up with a view to supporting delivery of front line services.




1.  that the Revenue Budget for 2016/17 and the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2016/17 to 2019/20, be approved;


2.   that in line with Government guidance, the following increases in council tax (CBC element) for residents of Central Bedfordshire be approved:


(a)       a Band D increase of £25.51, representing a 1.95% increase on the charge for 2015/16; and


(b)       a Band D increase of £26.17, representing a 2.0% increase on the charge for 2015/16, reflecting a precept of this amount to help fund adult social care costs.


In total the Band D increase will be £51.68, representing a 3.95% increase in the charge for 2015/16.  The CBC element of Band D council tax for 2016/17 will therefore be £1,360.01.


In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote was taken.


Those in favour of the motions were:


Councillors: Barker, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Chapman, Chatterley, Collins, Costin, Dalgarno, Dixon, Dodwell, Downing, Duckett, ferguson, Firth, Freeman, Ghent, Gomm, Goodchild, Graham, Gurney, Hegley, Hollick, Jamieson, Janes, Jones, Kane, D Lawrence, J Lawrence, Matthews, Maudlin, McVicar, Morris, Nicols, Ryan, B Saunders, J Saunders, Shelvey, Smith, Spurr, Stay, Stock, Swain, Tubb, Turner, Versallion, Walker, Warren, Wells, Wenham, Woodward, Young.


Councillor Zerny voted against the motion.


(d)  Capital Programme 2016/17 to 2019/20


The Council considered the recommendations from a meeting of the Executive held on 9 February 2016 in respect of the proposed Capital Programme for 2016/17 to 2019/20.




that the Capital Programme for 2016/17 to 2019/20 be approved.


In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote was taken.


Those in favour of the motion were:


Councillors: Barker, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Chapman, Chatterley, Collins, Costin, Dalgarno, Dixon, Dodwell, Downing, Duckett, ferguson, Firth, Freeman, Ghent, Gomm, Goodchild, Graham, Gurney, Hegley, Hollick, Jamieson, Janes, Jones, Kane, D Lawrence, J Lawrence, Matthews, Maudlin, McVicar, Morris, Nicols, Ryan, B Saunders, J Saunders, Shelvey, Smith, Spurr, Stay, Stock, Swain, Tubb, Turner, Versallion, Walker, Warren, Wells, Wenham, Woodward, Young & Zerny.


No Councillors voted against the motion.


(e)  Budget report for the Housing Revenue Account(landlord Business Plan)


The Council considered the recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on 9 February 2016 in respect of the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Business Plan)




that the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget proposals for 2016/17 be approved, as follows:


1.            that the recent legislative changes relating to Housing Finance and their impact on the Landlord Business Plan, be noted;


2.            that the HRA’s debt portfolio and interest payments due in 2015/16, be noted;


3.            that the intention to commence principal debt repayments from 2017/18, as approved previously by Council in February 2015, be noted;


4.            that the Landlord Business Investment Plan, which proposes HRA investment throughout the Council area, be approved;


5.            that the HRA Revenue Budget for 2016/17 and the Landlord Business Plan summary at Appendices A and B to the Executive report, be approved;


6.            that the 2016/17 to 2019/20 HRA Capital Programme at Appendix C to the Executive report, be approved;


In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote was taken.


Those in favour of the motions were:


Councillors: Barker, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Chapman, Chatterley, Collins, Costin, Dalgarno, Dixon, Dodwell, Downing, Duckett, ferguson, Firth, Freeman, Ghent, Gomm, Goodchild, Graham, Gurney, Hegley, Hollick, Jamieson, Janes, Jones, Kane, D Lawrence, J Lawrence, Matthews, Maudlin, McVicar, Morris, Nicols, Ryan, B Saunders, J Saunders, Shelvey, Smith, Spurr, Stay, Stock, Swain, Tubb, Turner, Versallion, Walker, Warren, Wells, Wenham, Woodward, Young & Zerny.


No Councillors voted against the motions.


(f)   Treasury Management Strategy and Treasury Policy


The Council considered the recommendation from the meeting of the Executive held on 9 February 2016 in respect of the Treasury Management Strategy and Treasury Policy.




that the Treasury Management Policy, Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators for 2016/17, be approved.


Note: Councillor Downing left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.


(g)  Council Tax Resolution


The Council considered the recommendation in respect of the Council Tax Resolution as set out at Appendix A to the report submitted.


The Executive Member for Corporate Resources advised the Council that there was an amendment to Appendix B, final column against Fairfield, where the figure should read -0.18% instead of 0.00%.




that the Council Tax Resolution set out in Appendix A(i) as amended be approved


In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote was taken.


Those in favour of the motion were:


Councillors:Barker, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Chapman, Chatterley, Collins, Costin, Dalgarno, Dixon, Dodwell, Duckett, Ferguson, Firth, Freeman, Ghent, Gomm, Goodchild, Graham, Gurney, Hegley, Hollick, Jamieson, Janes, Jones, Kane, D Lawrence, J Lawrence, Matthews, Maudlin, McVicar, Morris, Nicols, Ryan, B Saunders, J Saunders, Shelvey, Smith, Spurr, Stay, Stock, Swain, Tubb, Turner, Versallion, Walker, Warren, Wells, Wenham, Woodward, Young.


Councillor Zerny voted against the motions.







Supporting documents: