Agenda item

Agenda item

Commission on Religious Education

To consider the interim report from the Commission on Religious Education (CoRE) about their developing thoughts on RE in schools in England.


The executive summary is included as part of the agenda pack the full interim report can be accessed via:


The SACRE considered an interim report published by the Commission on Religious Education (CoRE), on their developing thoughts on RE in schools in England.  The report sets out initial recommendations which CoRE are looking to consult with further in order to help inform the final report, due to be published in 2018.


Key issues noted were:

1.    CoRE have commissioned a separate organisationto report back to the Council on what RE in schools is currently looking like and what it should look like in the future.

2.    There are four main recommendations which form part of the interim report:

a)    A national entitlement for religious education – a basic statement of what all pupils are entitled to, whatever type of school they attend.

b)    Holding schools to account for the provision and quality of RE – in particular seeking views on the most appropriate mechanism to do this.

c)    Role of the SACRE – should the task of producing an Agreed Syllabus be removed from the role of SACRE?

d)    A national plan for improving teaching and learning in RE – seeking views on what should be included and how best it might be implemented.


Points and comments included:

·         That it should be possible to agree on a core set of RE topics that should be taught within schools.

·         Concern was raised by members of SACRE that when RE was removed from the curriculum it was no longer treated as important.



The Chairman asked members to consider the proposals for a renewed and expanded role for SACREs.


Feedback from the SACRE included:

·         The group were in agreement that the Government should publicly highlight and reaffirm the important role of the SACREs in supporting and resourcing RE.

·         The group acknowledged that the SACREs role should include advising on all matters relating to religion and belief in schools. 

·         There was a view that the role of the SACRE should go further to include providing schools with an accredited list of suitable providers of RE and places to visit.  There is currently not the capacity or resource within the SACRE to offer this service.

·         The SACRE were in agreement that the funding arrangements for the SACREs are not transparent enough and there needs to be clarity as to what the budget actually is.

·         Some members felt that the composition of SACREs should not be changed to include representatives of non-religious worldviews as full members.

·         It was however acknowledged by the group that there are children without a faith and therefore there is a need to know about the non-religious views of children.

·         The group agreed that there needs to be a review of the role of the SACRE to ensure that the group is fit for purpose and still providing a valuable service to schools.

·         That there needs to be more scrutiny about the membership of the SACRE and whether or not there is a place for School Governors to be included as SACRE members.





1.    that the link to the questionnaire for the Commission on RE be recirculated to all members of SACRE.

2.    that the Chairman will feedback to the Commission on RE that the survey is not very user friendly for Primary Schools to complete.

Supporting documents: