Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Period 9 (Quarter 3) – 2016/17 Revenue Budget Monitoring

06/04/2017 - Revenue Budget Monitoring Provisional Forecast Outturn December 2016 (Quarter 3)

1.      That the revenue forecast outturn position which is currently to overspend budget by £1.2M be noted.

2.      That officers continue to look for compensatory savings in order to deliver a balanced budget.

3.      To authorise the Chief Executive and the Director of Resources (s.151 Officer), in consultation with the Leader and the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Corporate Resources, to approve the 2016/17 revenue, capital and HRA provisional financial outturn positions, subject to audit. 

4.      The delegation in 3 above is subject to the final outturn position not being more than 1% over/under net budget.