

Decisions published

01/08/2017 - Executive Response to Overview and Scrutiny Enquiry on Planning Enforcement ref: 2189    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


That the response attached at Appendix A to the report, including the proposed actions to be taken in light of the recommendations of the enquiry, be approved.

01/08/2017 - Executive Response to the Overview and Scrutiny Enquiry on the Integration of Health and Social Care in Central Bedfordshire ref: 2188    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.            That the response attached at Appendix A to the report, including the proposed actions to be taken in light of the recommendations of the enquiry, be approved.

2.            To note that the delivery of integrated health and social care in Central Bedfordshire is reliant on the cooperation and commitment from all the Council’s health partners.

01/08/2017 - Central Bedfordshire Council Mechanical and Electrical Minor Works Framework ref: 2199    Recommendations Approved

The report proposes a Mechanical and Electrical Minor Works Framework Agreement as the primary vehicle to deliver a wide range of mechanical and electrical engineering projects. It is envisaged that the Agreement will be operational for two years with yearly options to extend for a further two years.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.         That the implementation of a Mechanical and Electrical Minor Works Framework be approved.

2.         To authorise the Director of Community Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Education and Skills, to appoint successful applicants to the Mechanical and Electrical Minor Works Framework, following the outcome of the competitive process set out in paragraphs 14 to 24 in the report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Lorna Wilson-Brown

01/08/2017 - Children with Disabilities Short Breaks and Efficiencies ref: 2209    Recommendations Approved

To review the impact of the proposed efficiencies including those proposed for short breaks.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017



This item was deferred to the Executive meeting on 10 October 2017.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ken Harvey

01/08/2017 - Homelessness Reduction ref: 2194    Recommendations Approved

Approve an updated Homelessness Strategy Action Plan, to take account of new duties proposed within the Government’s Homelessness Reduction Bill.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


That the revised Homelessness Strategy Action Plan be approved in light of the significant new duties being implemented through the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Nick Costin

01/08/2017 - Assumptions for Pupil Yield Arising from Housing Development and Section 106 Contributions ref: 2195    Recommendations Approved

To provide an update on the assumptions around pupil yield arising from housing development and impact on S106 contribution calculation methodology.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


That an increase to the pupil yield assumptions used for pupil forecasting and the calculation of S106 funding requests for education, from 1 form of entry per 750 homes to 1 form of entry per 500 homes, for residential planning applications, be approved with effect from 2 August 2017.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Victor Wan

01/08/2017 - Highways Asset Management Plan ref: 2198    Recommendations Approved

The Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) sets out our approach to highways asset management in Central Bedfordshire. The HAMP will form part of the Incentive Fund Bid 2018.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.         That the following key documents be adopted:

·         Highways Asset Management Policy set out Appendix A to the report

·         Highways Asset Management Policy set out in Appendix B to the report

·         Network Maintenance Management plan set out in Appendix C to the report.

2.         To authorise the Director for Community Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Community Services, to adopt the Highways Communications Strategy that is currently being prepared.

3.         That the Resilient Network set out in Appendix E to the report be approved for public consultation.

4.         That the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) that are situated within the highway boundary and which only receive highway run off be noted and that the criteria as set out in Appendix D to the report be adopted.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Leverington

01/08/2017 - Budget Strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan (including the Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account) ref: 2192    Recommendations Approved

This report starts the formal process that sets a framework for 2018/19 – 2021/22 MTFP with updated planning assumptions. It also considers the impact of changes in Local Government financing and how these may be addressed leading to the setting of a budget for 2018/19 and Council Tax rate in February 2018.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.         That the proposed framework for the updating of the Medium Term Financial Plan 2018/19 – 2021/22 and the preparation of a Budget for 2018/19 be endorsed.

2.         That the approach to consultation for 2017/18 be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Denis Galvin

01/08/2017 - Commissioning of New Middle School Places in Cranfield and Marston Moretaine by September 2018 ref: 2196    Recommendations Approved

To consider the outcome of consultation by Holywell CoE (middle academy) and to seek approval of the proposal.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.         That the responses received to the consultation by the Governors of Holywell Academy Trust, Cranfield to expand by 1 form of entry (30 places in each school year group) by September 2018, be noted.

2.         That the commencement of capital expenditure as set out in the report be approved, subject in respect of Holywell Academy Trust to approval of the proposal by the Department of Education and subject to the granting of planning permissions under Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Victor Wan

01/08/2017 - Gypsy & Traveller Sites - Billington ref: 2200    Recommendations Approved


The report proposes a long term resolution to address a range of issues on the Greenacres and The Stables Gypsy and Traveller sites in Billington.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.         That the start of formal public consultation on the recommended proposal be approved to:

·         acquire both Greenacres and The Stables Gypsy and Traveller sites, using a Compulsory Purchase Order, if required;

·         acquire land, as close to the current site as possible, to build a new Council owned and managed Gypsy and Traveller site;

·         dismantle the existing sites and apply for change of use on completion of a new site;

and alternative proposals.

2.         That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Executive advising of the outcome of the consultation and making recommendations about the future of the Greenacres and The Stables Gypsy and Traveller sites.

Lead officer: Jeanette Keyte

01/08/2017 - The Future of The Birches Older Persons Home: Outcome of Consultation and Recommendations ref: 2190    Recommendations Approved

To consider the future of The Birches Older Persons Home in light of the outcome of the public consultation processes.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.         That the outcome of the consultation on the future of The Birches Older Persons Home be noted.

2.         That the closure of The Birches Older Persons Home based on the details set out in the report, its appendices and background papers be approved.

3.         To authorise the Director of Social Care, Health and Housing to determine the date of closure of The Birches Older Persons Home taking into consideration the assessed eligible care and support needs of residents of the home along with relevant operational matters.

4.         That the commencement of the processes, set out in paragraphs 70 to 72 in the report, in relation to the staff employed at The Birches Older Persons Home be approved.

5.         To note that that Oak Manor, operated by MHA satisfies the Council’s ‘Due Diligence’ requirements as set out in paragraphs 41 to 44 and Appendix 7 to the report.

Wards affected: Northill; Shefford; Stotfold & Langford; Westoning, Flitton & Greenfield;

Lead officer: Ian Hanton, Tim Hoyle

01/08/2017 - Improving Care Home Provision for Older People in Central Bedfordshire ref: 2191    Recommendations Approved

For the Executive to consider the opportunity to improve care home provision and to authorise the commencement of consultation and procurement processes.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.         That the opportunity to improve care home provision for older people in the Leighton Buzzard area be recognised by authorising the commencement of formal consultation on proposals for the future of Westlands Older Person’s Home (OPH), as set out in paragraphs 24 to 34 of the report.

2.         To authorise the commencement of a procurement process to identify a preferred provider for a care home on the identified site, as set out in paragraphs 43 to 52 of the report.

3.         That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Executive advising on the outcome of the consultation and procurement processes and making recommendations about the future of the home and a preferred provider.

Wards affected: Eaton Bray; Heath and Reach; Leighton Buzzard North; Leighton Buzzard South; Linslade;

Lead officer: Tim Hoyle

01/08/2017 - Healthy Child Programme Contract and Wider Community Health Services: Authorisation to Award Contract ref: 2197    Recommendations Approved

To update the Executive on the re-procurement of the Healthy Child Programme and to request permission to delegate the award of contract to the Director of Public Health, in conjunction with the Executive Member for Health.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


To authorise the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Executive Member for Health, to award a contract for Community Health Services for children and young people which includes the Healthy Child Programme and enter the appropriate legal agreements, in order to meet the required timescales allowing the contract to be operational by April 2018.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Celia Shohet

01/08/2017 - Lets Rent - Homelessness Prevention Offer ref: 2193    Recommendations Approved

To present the Lets Rent - Homelessness Prevention Offer for approval.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


That the Let’s Rent Homelessness Prevention Offer policy to prevent homelessness be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Nick Costin

01/08/2017 - Forward Plan of Key Decisions ref: 2208    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 01/08/2017


That the Forward Plan of Key Decisions for the period 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018 be noted.

01/08/2017 - 2017/18 Quarter 1 Performance Report ref: 2201    Recommendations Approved

To receive the 2017/18 quarter 1 performance monitoring report.

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Made at meeting: 01/08/2017 - EXECUTIVE

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 11/08/2017


1.         That the performance against the indicators currently being used to help support the monitoring of progress against the Medium Term Plan priorities, be noted.

2.         That officers further investigate and resolve underperforming indicators as appropriate.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tobin Stephenson

25/07/2017 - Kings Reach, Biggleswade - Consider Objections to the Proposal to introduce Waiting Restrictions in Kings Reach, Biggleswade. ref: 2206    Recommendations Approved


Made at meeting: 25/07/2017 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MEETING

Decision published: 27/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017


That the proposal to introduce waiting restrictions on the following lengths of road in Kings Reach, Biggleswade be implemented as published:

1.    Planets Way, both sides, from a point in line with the east flank wall of no.4 Plants Way extending in a westerly and northerly direction to its junction with Erlensee Way except for the extents of any constructed parking bays.

2.    Venus Avenue, both sides, from its junction with Planets Way extending in a southerly direction to its junction with Ouse Way except for the extents of any constructed parking bays.

3.    Erlensee Way, both sides, from its junction with Planets Way extending in a northerly direction to its junction with Maunder Avenue except for the extents of any constructed parking bays.

4.    Maunder Avenue, both sides from its junction with Erlensee Way extending in a westerly direction to a point approximately 2 metres west of the east flank wall of no.4 Maunder Avenue.

5.    Walker Mead, both sides, from its junction with Sullivan Court extending in a generally westerly direction to its junction with Blackburn Way.

6.    Sullivan Court, both sides, the full length except of the extents of any constructed parking bays.

7.    Delius Road, both sides, extending from its junction with Sullivan Court extending in a northerly direction to its junction for Novello Drive except for the extents of any constructed parking bays.

8.    Un-named road, both sides, extending from the south-east corner of Sullivan Court in a generally easterly direction to its junction with Coates Road except for the extents of any constructed parking bays.

9.    School loop road, both sides, extending from the aforementioned un-named road extending in a generally southerly directions for its full length except for the extents of any constructed parking bays.

25/07/2017 - Various Roads Biggleswade - Consider Objections to the Proposal to Introduce Waiting Restrictions in Various Roads, Biggleswade ref: 2205    Recommendations Approved


Made at meeting: 25/07/2017 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MEETING

Decision published: 27/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017


That the proposal to introduce waiting restrictions on the following lengths of road in Biggleswade be implemented as published:

1.    Shortmead Street, east side, from a point in line with the boundary of nos. 174 (Garage) and 176/178 Shortmead Street extending in a northerly direction for approximately 26 metres

2.    Shortmead Street, east side, from a point in line with southern property boundary of no.174 (Garage) extending in a southerly direction for approximately 95 metres.

3.    Sun Street, north side, from its junction with Shortmead Street extending in a south-easterly direction to a point approximately 12 metres north-west of the boundary of nos. 10 and 11 Vickers Close.

4.    Sun Street, south side, from its junction with Shortmead Street extending in a south-easterly direction to a point approximately 2 metres south-east of the north-west flank wall of no. 32 Sun Street.

5.    Fairfield Road, both sides, from its junction with Sun Street extending in a northerly direction to a point approximately 2 metres north of the boundary of nos. 15 and 16 Vickers Close.

6.    St. John’s Street, north side, from a point in line with the east flank wall of no.57 St John’s Street extending in an easterly direction for approximately 6 metres.

7.    Gladstone Close, north-west side, from a point in line with the front wall of no. 103 Sun Street extending in a north-easterly direction for approximately 28 metres.

8.    Sun Street, north-east side, from a point approximately 1 metre south-east of the north-west flank wall of no. 69 Sun Street extending in a north-westerly direction for approximately 7 metres.

9.    Lawrence Road, west side, from a point in line with the front wall of no. 1 Lawrence Road extending in a southerly direction for approximately 20 metres.

10.Lawrence Road, south and east sides, from a point in line with the west flank wall of no.2 Lawrence Road extending in a westerly than southerly direction for approximately 22 metres.

11.That the proposal to introduce permitted partial footway parking be implemented as published on the following length of road, Sun Street, south-west side, from a point in line with the boundary of nos. 77 and 79 Sun Street extending in a north-westerly direction for approximately 30 metres.

25/07/2017 - Hitchin Road Stotfold - Consider Objections to Proposed Waiting Restrictions in Hitchin Road, Stotfold. ref: 2204    Recommendations Approved


Made at meeting: 25/07/2017 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MEETING

Decision published: 27/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017


1.    That the current proposal to introduce no waiting at any time in Hitchin Road, Stotfold be taken no further at this time.

2.    That the proposal for no waiting in Hitchin Road, Stotfold be reviewed once the decision with regards to the grant application for other works in the area be known.

25/07/2017 - Britain Street Dunstable - Petition Requesting Various Highways Improvements ref: 2203    Recommendations Approved


Made at meeting: 25/07/2017 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MEETING

Decision published: 27/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017


1.    That the petition be noted.

2.    That the proposals to address traffic and parking issues in Britain Street, Dunstable be reviewed as part of the integrated work program in the area including parking issues associated with the School.

3.    That the case for speed management measures in Britain Street, Dunstable be investigated further.

25/07/2017 - Various Roads Leighton Buzzard - Petition Requesting Residents Only Parking ref: 2202    Recommendations Approved


Made at meeting: 25/07/2017 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MEETING

Decision published: 27/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017


1.    That the petition be noted.

2.    That the proposal for residents only parking in Hartwell Crescent, Hartwell Grove, Albany Road and Dudley Street, Leighton Buzzard be considered as part of the integrated program of work in the area.

3.    Officers to ensure that residents are aware that the introduction of residents only parking will not guarantee a parking space.

25/07/2017 - Members' Interests ref: 2207    Recommendations Approved


Made at meeting: 25/07/2017 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MEETING

Decision published: 27/07/2017

Effective from: 25/07/2017


None declared.