Decision details

Decision details


Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek confirmation of the recommended approach and method of disposal.


1.      To authorise the Director of Improvement and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Corporate Resources, to proceed in securing a partner to promote a planning application for the land east of High Street, Arlesey and progress a disposal of the Council’s assets in the open market.


2.      That, in agreeing the engagement of a promoter, the Council will need to brief the promoter on the Council’s expectations.  The Council will explore the need to invest in road and other infrastructure at an early date and how to phase the development to minimise disruption to the residents and businesses of Arlesey.

Report author: Andrew Gordon

Publication date: 24/04/2014

Date of decision: 22/04/2014

Decided at meeting: 22/04/2014 - EXECUTIVE

Effective from: 02/05/2014

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