Decision details

Decision details

March 2013/14 Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring Provisional Outturn Revenue and Capital Report ( Subject to Audit)

Decision Maker: EXECUTIVE

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider the Revenue, Capital and Housing Revenue Account Outturn 2013/14.



1.      That the Revenue outturn be approved.  This is a balanced budget with a contribution to Housing Revenue Account Reserves of £6.958m, thus strengthening the Council’s ability to invest and improve its stock of Council Houses.

2.      That the Capital outturn be approved, this is £0.103m lower than the revised position approved by Council in February.  The deferred capital spend of £2.503m into 2014/15 be approved.

3.      That the Right to Buy sales be noted. This has increased significantly as a result of changes to discounts, resulting in a year end balance of unapplied capital receipts of £2.346m.

4.      That the net increase in reserves of £5.336m be noted.  At the year end, the Housing Revenue Account has £20.710m of reserves available, of which £2.0m is identified as a minimum level of HRA Balances.


Publication date: 17/07/2014

Date of decision: 15/07/2014

Decided at meeting: 15/07/2014 - EXECUTIVE

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