Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

September 2015 Quarter 2 Revenue Budget Monitoring

Meeting: 01/12/2015 - EXECUTIVE (Item 69)

69 September 2015 Quarter 2 Revenue Budget Monitoring pdf icon PDF 62 KB


The report sets out the financial position for 2015/16 as at the end of September 2015. It sets out spend to date against the profiled budget and the forecast financial outturn.

Additional documents:


1.      That the revenue forecast position which is currently to overspend budget by £0.6m (£1.3m in August, £1.1m over last year) be noted and directorates be requested to continue to take the necessary action to achieve a balanced budget.

2.      That the inclusion within the budget of £2.1m of contingency that is currently forecast to be used, be noted.  There is no call on this contingency at present.



The Executive considered a report from the Executive Member for Corporate Resources that presented the financial position for 2015/16 as at September 2015.  The forecast outturn position was £0.6m over budget mainly due to pressures within Social Care, Health and Housing and Children’s Services, offset by a forecast underspend in Community Services.


Reason for decision:  To facilitate effective financial management and planning.




1.      that the revenue forecast position which was currently to overspend budget by £0.6m (£1.3m in August, £1.1m over last year) be noted and directorates be requested to continue to take the necessary action to achieve a balanced budget; and


2.      that the inclusion within the budget of £2.1m of contingency that was currently forecast to be used, be noted.  There is no call on this contingency at present.