Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Central Bedfordshire Council All Age Skills Strategy


23 Central Bedfordshire Council All Age Skills Strategy pdf icon PDF 121 KB


The aim of Central Bedfordshire Council’s All Age Skills Strategy is to enable the delivery of a flexible and responsive workforce that meets the needs of employers, ensuring that our residents have the opportunities to develop the skills they need for work. This strategy has a critical role to play in enabling Central Bedfordshire to achieve its full economic potential and in delivering the Council’s 5 Year Plan priorities to support education and skills and business growth and prosperity. The strategy is currently in draft and undergoing engagement with key partners and stakeholders.


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The Business Infrastructure Group Manager delivered a presentation which set out the objectives in relation to the All Age Skills Strategy and included:-

·           Partnership working.

·           Responding to employer need and skills requirements.

·           Supporting careers advice for young people and adults.

·           Supporting the access and provision of learning opportunities.

·           Improving business competition through investment in the workforce.

·           Maximising apprenticeships and traineeships with details of current numbers within the Authority provided.

·           The support of businesses in relation to recruitment drive.

·           That funding and course delivery was a combination of central, external and locally sourced provision.

·           The risks associated with future funding as a result of ‘Brexit’.


In response Members agreed the importance of ensuring the focus was on all age skills, that apprenticeships were not restricted to younger applicants and to ensure quality standards were maintained and improved upon. The Committee requested that the minimum standards as detailed within the report were circulated to them along with analysis of the percentage of an unskilled workforce so that a targeted approach could be applied.


RECOMMENDED that the Committee approve the All Age Skills Strategy with performance reported through the Council’s Five Year Plan monitoring arrangements and the Sustainable Communities OSC as necessary.