Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Prescribed Alteration to Robert Peel, St Swithuns VC and John Donne CofE Lower Schools

Meeting: 07/02/2017 - EXECUTIVE (Item 107)

107 Proposal to make a Prescribed Alteration to Robert Peel Foundation Lower School, Sandy, St Swithuns VC Lower School, Sandy and John Donne C of E Lower School, Blunham pdf icon PDF 31 KB


To seek Executive approval to commence the statutory consultation required for the proposed prescribed alterations for Robert Peel Foundation Lower School, St Swithuns VC Lower School and John Donne C of E Lower School. (Appendix C - Overview and Scrutiny Comments are to follow.)


Additional documents:


That the commencement of the statutory consultation process for the proposed prescribed alterations for Robert Peel Foundation Lower School, St Swithuns VC Lower School, Sandy and John Donne C of E Lower School, Blunham, be approved.



The Executive considered a report from the Executive Member for Education and Skills that sought approval to commence the statutory consultation for the prescribed alterations to the accommodation at Robert Peel Foundation, St Swithuns Voluntary Controlled and John Donne Church of England Lower Schools.  All three schools had consulted on a proposed change of age range for each school from 3-9 years to 3-11 years, to be implemented from September 2017, following the agreement of the schools, governors and parents.  The Department for Education (DfE)  required that the local authority carry out a statutory consultation for those schools that were required to physically enlarge their premises, due to an increase in capacity beyond a threshold as determined by the DfE. 


In response to a question, the Executive Member for Education and Skills confirmed that there were no capital implications for the Council arising as a result of the proposal.  However the schools and their governing bodies would need to manage their budgets especially carefully to accommodate the impact of the physical alterations.


Reason for decision:  To ensure that the Council was able to meet all of the legal requirements placed on the Council by the Education and Inspection Act 2006.




that the commencement of the statutory consultation process for the proposed prescribed alterations for Robert Peel Foundation Lower School, St Swithuns VC Lower School, Sandy and John Donne C of E Lower School, Blunham, be approved.


[Note:  Councillor Zerny left the meeting after this item.]





64 Proposal to Change the Age Range at Robert Peel, St Swithuns VC and John Donne CofE Lower Schools pdf icon PDF 88 KB


This report seeks support for the proposed commencement of the statutory consultation required for the proposed prescribed alterations for Robert Peel Foundation Lower School, Sandy, St Swithuns VC Lower School, Sandy and John Donne C of E Lower School, Blunham.

The schools referred to within the report serve the Ward of Sandy.


Additional documents:



The Executive Member for Education and Skills introduced a report seeking support for the commencement of a statutory consultation for proposed alterations for Robert Peel Foundation Lower School, Sandy, St Swithuns VC Lower School, Sandy and John Donne C of E Lower School, Blunham. Members were advised that officers were liaising closely with Head Teachers and the Regional Schools Commissioner regarding the proposals and that the process was robust with a commitment to improve outcomes.


In light of the report Members discussed the following in summary:-

·           The need to ensure lessons learned from similar changes several years prior in the south of the region were addressed.

·           The importance of close liaison and communication with parents in light of the Council’s duty to deliver a coordinated approach to the changes.

·           Concerns regarding educational outcomes in Houghton Regis and Dunstable.

·           The need for all schools to provide strong leadership and effective governance, that they deliver the same vision and maintain educational standards, notwithstanding the obvious challenges.

RECOMMENDED that the Committee support the proposed changes and endorse the report to the Executive, recognising the need to ensure a coordinated approach led by the Authority in order to effectively communicate with all partners and address parental concerns.