Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

School Parking Response to the Overview and Scrutiny Enquiry

Meeting: 20/06/2017 - EXECUTIVE (Item 11)

11 Executive Response to Overview and Scrutiny Enquiry on School Parking pdf icon PDF 10 KB

To agree the response of the Executive to the outcomes a scrutiny enquiry into School Parking as received at the previous Executive meeting on 4 April 2017.

Additional documents:


That the response, set out at Appendix A to the report as amended, be approved including the proposed actions to be taken in light of the recommendations of the enquiry.



The Executive considered a report from the Executive Member for Community Services that proposed a response to the outcomes of a scrutiny enquiry into School Parking.  Many of the recommendations proposed by the enquiry were already being pursued.  Those that were not, fell into two broad categories:-


·         improving communication with and between the Council and schools, particularly in relation to developing sustainable school travel plans; and


·         improving enforcement of inappropriate parking outside of schools.


The Executive Member for Community Services commented on the following two recommendations:-


·         reference 3 – the production of a school’s parking leaflet similar to that of a neighbouring authority with distribution electronically where possible to schools, parents and via the Council’s website and social media outlets – this should be accepted; and


·         reference 7 – that visible signage be displayed outside all schools where deemed necessary, prohibiting parking and waiting between the hours of approximately 8.00-9.00 a.m. and 3.00-4.00 p.m., acknowledging that individual schools may have differing opening times, taking into account the impact of any restrictions upon residents within the area and existing budget constraints – this should be partially accepted.


In response to questions, the Executive Member confirmed that Parking Services would be liaising with Bedfordshire Police.  A policy would need to be developed to bring forward the 20 mph speed limit outside of new schools.


Reason for decision:  To enable the recommendations, where applicable, to be implemented.




that the response, set out at Appendix A to the report as amended, be approved including the proposed actions to be taken in light of the recommendations of the enquiry.