Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Planning Application No. CB/17/04334/FULL (Northill)

Meeting: 06/12/2017 - DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (Item 100)

100 Planning Application No. CB/17/04334/FULL (Northill) pdf icon PDF 47 KB


Address:       Caldecote House, 8 Caldecote Green, Upper Caldecote, Biggleswade, SG18 9BX


Proposed staff accommodation.


Applicant:     Maudlin G J & Sons


Additional documents:



The Committee considered a report regarding Planning Application No. CB/17/04334/FULL for proposed staff accommodation at Caldecote House Farm, 8 Caldecote Green, Upper Caldecote, Biggleswade, SG18 9BX.


In advance of consideration of the application the Committee’s attention was drawn to an additional consultation, an additional comment and an additional informative as set out in the Late Sheet.


In advance of consideration of the application the Committee received a representation from Northill Parish Council under the public participation scheme.


The ward Member expressed his objection to the application.  He stated that  the proposed accommodation was sited alongside an existing barn inside the farm entrance.  The location was outside the settlement envelope and was contrary to Policy DM4.  Its proximity to no. 7 Caldecote Green was contrary to the Council’s Design Guidelines.  In addition the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) stated that local authorities should avoid new isolated houses in the countryside unless there was an essential need for a worker to live permanently at or near the site  The ward Member reiterated the point made by the Town Council representative that the work to be undertaken at the farm was seasonal in nature and so a temporary structure should be considered.


(Note: Councillor Firth remained within the Chamber but took no further part in the debate or in the vote on this item).


The Committee considered the application and in summary discussed the following:


·         The planning officer’s comment that, from a planning perspective,  the proposed accommodation was considered acceptable whether for temporary or permanent use and that the imposition of an agricultural tie was not considered viable as it would not meet the requirements set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).  A second planning officer explained that an agricultural tie was imposed where development would not usually be allowed and an exception was being made because of agricultural need.  In this case the proposed dwelling was considered acceptable in its own right irrespective of agricultural need so it would be neither necessary or reasonable to restrict occupancy to an agricultural worker.

·         The provision of two bedrooms was not considered excessive as it provided the applicant’s flexibility if there were more than one worker.  The inclusion of a second bedroom made no material planning difference to the application.

·         The possible use of existing farm buildings for accommodation purposes was not before the Committee for consideration.  The Committee was required, however, to assess what was before it as being acceptable in planning terms.

·         The planning officer acknowledged the requirements of the NPPF regarding isolated dwellings in the countryside and that the NPPF outweighed the old PPS7.  However, the NPPF said little about agricultural workers’ accommodation and many planners and Planning Inspectors relied upon the detailed tests set out within the old PPS7 when evaluating such issues.  His view remained that the application represented a sustainable form of development without the need for an agricultural tie.

·         The planning officer acknowledged that the proposed dwelling was contrary to the Council’s Design Guidelines  ...  view the full minutes text for item 100