Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Progress Report on the Transformation of Short Break Provision for Disabled Children


21 Progress Report on the Transformation of Short Break Provision for Disabled Children pdf icon PDF 61 KB


To review the impact of the proposed transformation of short breaks for children with disabilities.




The Deputy Executive Member for Children, Education and Families introduced the report and advised that positive progress had been made since the previous inception. Constructive engagement had been undertaken with parents, carers and service users in order to ensure they were fully involved in feeding their views into shaping future universal services.


The Head of Service for Disabled Children delivered a presentation which outlined the transformation of short break provision agreed by Executive in October 2017. This included a progress update, a three year transformation programme, the legislation underpinning the approach, the model of delivery and next steps in order to strengthen the provision of services in the long term.


In light of the report and presentation Members discussed the following in summary:-

·         Concerns that parents and carers weren’t aware of those services and provision available to them or how to access them.

·         The importance of working with parents in order to ensure the legal offer was as robust as possible, also ensuring that the dissemination of information to all relevant stakeholders was appropriate and accurate.

·         A need to strengthen networks and partnership working across Central Bedfordshire and ensure provision of services was joined up and as local as possible.

·         That the initial assessment of a child’s needs and effective dialogue with parents and carers was key in order to ensure accuracy of diagnosis and the need for flexibility within the tiered model in order that a child could access appropriate provision.

·         That efficiencies had been delivered within the first year and that the current resource was sufficient in order to deliver the remainder of the plan.

·         That parental and carer feedback had been very positive and all partners were in agreement that services were heading significantly in the right direction with much more service user involvement.



1.    That the Committee acknowledged the progress and supported the next steps of the short break transformation programme.

2.    That an update be delivered to the Committee at a future meeting on those areas still identified as requiring additional work.