Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Planning Application No.


6 Planning Application No. CB/18/02018/OUT (Cranfield and Marston Moretaine) pdf icon PDF 331 KB


Address:       Land at East End Farm, Bedford Road, Cranfield, Bedford,

MK43 0EU


Outline:  Demolition of existing structures and the erection of 48 dwellings, public open space, access onto Bedford Road, landscaping, balancing pond and other associated infrastructure. All matters to be reserved except access into the site.


Applicant:     Linden Limited and Mr & Mrs Robert & Joy Richardson



Additional documents:




The Committee had before it a report regarding Planning Application No. CB/18/02018/OUT for the demolition of existing structures and the erection of 48 dwellings, public open space, access onto Bedford Road, landscaping, balancing pond and other associated infrastructure. All matters to be reserved except access into the site at Land at East End Farm, Bedford Road, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0EU.


In advance of consideration of the application the Committee’s attention was drawn to additional consultation/publicity responses and additional comments as set out in the Late Sheet as well as representations from public speakers.


It was noted that Cllr Matthews stated he would be speaking as a Ward Member for this application and as such, excused himself from the Chair which was taken by Vice Chair Cllr Berry.


Committee Members discussed the following points:


           There was concern raised over the sites inclusion in the emerging Local Plan. It was stated that inspectors had asked questions regarding the rationale of inclusion of small to medium sites within the plan. This lead to discussion to whether the consideration of the application could be considered premature given that the site may not be included in the Local Plan. The Planning Officer responded that only limited weight could be given to the emerging Local Plan and the NPPF states that refusal on the grounds of prematurity are unlikely to be justified unless approval would cause substantial or cumulative damage.


           Major concerns over lack of healthcare provision from Objectors, Ward Members and Committee Members was discussed at length. It was noted that the current GP surgery was already overstretched and struggling to cope with current patient numbers and was due another influx due to current developments being built out. It was noted the current GP surgery building was not considered fit for purpose. Grounds to refuse this application on sustainability were discussed. The Planning Officer advised that the NPPF does contain guidance but at its core it was to boost the supply of housing. It was noted that there would be an S106 contribution to healthcare from the developer and to refuse the application on the grounds of lack of healthcare provision would be unreasonable in the context that the developer can not control this issue, other than to offer a financial contribution.


           Members discussed the possible retention of the farmhouse located on the proposed site. It was seen as a local landmark which adds character to the village and it contributes to the softening of the built form of the street scene. It was agreed that there would be an informative to request the applicant to consider retention of the farmhouse if at all possible.


           It was noted that the application contradicts policy DM4, the Planning Officer responded that there were material considerations that would outweigh the conflict.


           After speaking as a Ward Member Cllr Matthews left the room and did not vote on this item.


           The Committee also heard a written Ward representation from Cllr Mrs S Clark.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6