Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Planning Application No. CB/


7 Planning Application No. CB/18/01850/RM (Silsoe and Shillington) pdf icon PDF 228 KB


Address:       Land rear of 7-37  Barton Road, Gravenhurst, MK45 4JP


Reserved Matters:  Erection of 24 houses with associated garages and garden amenity space.


Applicant:     Hearne Holmes Developments and Grand Union Housing Group



Additional documents:



The Committee had before it a report regarding Planning Application No. CB/18/01850/RM for the erection of 24 houses with associated garages and garden amenity space at Land rear of 7-37 Barton Road Gravenhurst, MK45 4JP.


In advance of consideration of the application the Committee’s attention was drawn to additional consultation/publicity responses and additional comments as set out in the Late Sheet as well as representations from public speakers.


Committee Members discussed the following points:


           Members and Objectors raised concern over height of the two storey houses proposed in the application given that the ground level was higher than surrounding properties and that an informative to the outline planning permission stated that it was unlikely that two storey dwellings would be an acceptable scale of development throughout the site. The Planning Officer stated that following discussion with the developer the original plans had been amended and were considered acceptable.  Notable changes were, that the terraced properties have been moved to the north east boundary of the site and the dwellings that are close to the Barton Road properties have lowered the eaves and ridge heights with the inclusion of dormer windows. With these changes its was stated that the dwellings proposed are not considered to have an overbearing impact on the existing properties on Barton Road. Some Members remained unsatisfied with the above response from the Planning Officer and proposed deferral of this application to allow the applicant to submit a plan containing one storey dwellings.


On being put to the vote for DEFERRAL, 4 voted in favour, 8 voted against and 1 abstention. The motion to defer was lost and discussion continued.


           Members discussed the developers request to replace ‘pre-commencement’ to ‘pre-above groundwork’ from the proposed conditions. The developer stated that groundwork could commence to aid delivery of these dwellings in a timely manner and the conditions could still be met. The Planning Officer and Members agreed and if Members were minded to approve the application, advised that the following conditions would be changed to pre-above ground works: Condition 5 and Condition 9. All other conditions would remain pre commencement.


           Members discussed other Planning Conditions. It was agreed to include wheel washing facilities under Condition 17 and to add in Conditions that would cover passive provision to establish charging points for electric vehicles and a Condition requiring a wearing course for the roadways, if Members were minded to approve the application.


           All Members agreed that the scheme needed appropriate landscaping to mitigate against the loss of view to existing properties. It was noted that the Landscaping Officer had made objections to this application. The Planning Officer drew the Committees attention to Condition 11 & 12 which secured the protection of planting in a similar way to existing and proposed landscaping of the site. This would include the provision of an Orchard.


           Members noted that they were disappointed there was no reference to the affordable housing requirement with regards to what houses are needed in that area  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7