Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Home to Education Travel Assistance Policies


58 Home to Education Travel Assistance Policies pdf icon PDF 91 KB


Members of the Committee will receive an update on the work undertaken following a consultation and are asked to provide recommendations to the Executive on adopting the revised Travel Assistance Policies.


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The Assistant Director for Public Protection and Transport delivered a report which outlined a recent consultation and proposed changes to transport provision. The response indicated that service users were not favourable to change and so a project group had been formed in order to determine an acceptable provision for users of the service, taking into account the financial challenges to the Council. A new policy was being developed around the provision for young people aged 19-25 and was due to go out to consultation, with a request that the Committee provide their views on a new approach.


In light of the report Members discussed the following: -

·         The recent increase in costs to concessionary passes, which was very high. In response Members were advised that the service was being charged at cost to the Council rather than the previously subsidised rate.

·         The view that those who required help with costs should still receive it where necessary.

·         Ultimately it was the responsibility of parents to ensure their children arrived safely at school, notwithstanding the statutory responsibilities of the local authority.

·         The need to encourage those aged 19-25 to use Motability vehicles where they had been provided and reduce the demand for additional provision of transport

·         That it was standard procedure to calculate walking routes ‘as the crow flies’. Statutory government guidelines were used when calculating safe walking routes including those in rural areas.

·         A need to consider the diverse area of Central Bedfordshire when planning schools for the future and any associated transport provision.


(Cllr Costin left the meeting at 11.33am)



1.    That the Committee acknowledge the outcomes of the home to school transport policies consultation.

2.    That the Committee welcome the policy review of the 19-25 year old provision for educational transport and that its implementation be as robust as was considered reasonable, taking into account the individual circumstances of young people using the service.

3.    That the Executive consider the use of the Council’s fleet and transport provision, including that of the voluntary sector in order to support an effective service.