

Venue: First West Wing Room 1, Priory House, Monks Walk, Shefford

Contact: Martha Clampitt  0300 300 4032

No. Item


Election of Chaiman

To elect a Chairman for the meeting.


Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence and notification of substitute members.


Members' Interests

To receive from Members any declarations and the nature in relation to:-


(a)    personal interests in any agenda item


(b)    personal and prejudicial interests in any agenda item





Complaint received in respect of an allegation made against a Central Bedfordshire Councillor

The report sets out an allegation made by way of a complaint against a Central Bedfordshire Councillor concerning a potential breach of a Code of Conduct for Members.  The Sub-Committee is asked to make a determination in respect of whether or not any action should be taken.


Complaint received in respect of an allegation made against a Stondon Parish Councillor

The report sets out an allegation made by way of a complaint against a Stondon Parish Councillor concerning a potential breach of a Code of Conduct for Members.  The Sub-Committee is asked to make a determination in respect of whether or not any action should be taken.