Agenda item

Agenda item

Members' Allowances Scheme

To receive a report from the Independent Remuneration Panel with proposed recommendations to the Scheme of Members’ Allowances.



The Council considered a report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources setting out the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, following its meetings on 20 November, 7 and 21 December 2009.  The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources tabled the following motion:-


“that having taken account of the recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel and noted the anticipated savings in Special Responsibility Allowances likely to arise following the implementation of revised political management arrangements aligned to the new organisational structure:-


(a)         Members’ allowances be frozen at the level set out in the Scheme of Members’ Allowances 2009/10 for the financial year 2010/11, subject to the exceptions set out in (b) and (c) below;


(b)         travelling and subsistence levels be reduced to the level of allowances paid to new Central Bedfordshire staff and amended from time to time in line with the recommendations of the National Joint Council for Local Government staff;


(c)         the Dependants’ Carers’ Allowances be increased from £5.73 to £5.80 per hour for non specialist care, in line with the national minimum hourly rate for workers aged 22 or above and from £17.19 to £17.40 per hour for specialist care; and


(d)         that the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources, be authorised to amend the Draft Scheme of Members’ Allowances for the year commencing 1 April 2010, as set out in Appendix C to the submitted report, to make the necessary changes arising from the proposals at (a) to (c) above.”


In a response to a question, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources advised Members that when claiming travel allowances there were two rates up to and including 451-999cc which was 42.9p per mile, and 1000cc and above which was 47.7p per mile.  A comment was made that Members could opt out of claiming their allowances.


A further amendment was proposed and seconded as follows:-


“that the Council adopts a Scheme of Members’ Allowances for Central Bedfordshire, for the year commencing 1 April 2010, in accordance with the recommendations of its Independent Remuneration Panel which have been included within the Draft Scheme of Allowances set out in Appendix C to the report.”


In accordance with paragraph 20.5 of Part B5 ‘Full Council Procedure Rules’ a recorded vote was requested.


Those in favour of the amendment were Councillors Aldis, Blaine, Dr Egan, Mrs Goodchild, Ms Graham, D Jones, Murray, Northwood, Ms Nunn, Snelling, Summerfield and Williams.


Those against the amendment were Councillors Baker, Mrs Barker, Bastable, Bowater, Brown, Mrs Chapman MBE, Clarke, Costin, Dalgarno, Mrs Drinkwater, Duckett, Fahn, Mrs Freeman, Gale, Gibson, Green, Mrs Gurney, Mrs Hegley, Hollick, Hopkin, Jamieson, Janes, Johnstone, M Jones, Kane, Mrs Lewis, Lockey, Male, Matthews, Ms Maudlin, McVicar, Mrs Mustoe, Nicols, Rawcliffe, Rogers, Saunders, Shadbolt, Sharer, Miss Sparrow, Spurr, Stay, Street, A Turner, Mrs C Turner, Mrs P Turner MBE, Vickers, Wells and Young.


Councillor P Freeman abstained from voting.


The amendment was declared to be lost and the motion was then put.




that having taken account of the recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel and noted the anticipated savings in Special Responsibility Allowances likely to arise following the implementation of revised political management arrangements aligned to the new organisational structure:-


(a)      Members’ allowances be frozen at the level set out in the Scheme of Members’ Allowances 2009/10 for the financial year 2010/11, subject to the exceptions set out in (b) and (c) below;


(b)      travelling and subsistence levels be reduced to the level of allowances paid to new Central Bedfordshire staff and amended from time to time in line with the recommendations of the National Joint Council for Local Government staff;


(c)      the Dependants’ Carers’ Allowances be increased from £5.73 to £5.80 per hour for non specialist care, in line with the national minimum hourly rate for workers aged 22 or above and from £17.19 to £17.40 per hour for specialist care; and


(d)      that the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources, be authorised to amend the Draft Scheme of Members’ Allowances for the year commencing 1 April 2010, as set out in Appendix C to the submitted report, to make the necessary changes arising from the proposals at (a) to (c) above.



The Leader of the Council took the opportunity to advise Members that the Electoral/Members' Services Manager, Stephen Cooke, was retiring on 26 February 2010.  Members presented him with a card from the Council thanking him for his service and guidance over the years.  Members wished him a long and happy retirement.


The Chairman allowed Mr Cooke to respond and to thank Members for their best wishes.



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