Agenda item

Agenda item

Oral Questions

To answer oral questions asked by Members of the Council under Rule No. 12.7.




The Chairman presided over oral questions asked of the Leader, Deputy Leader, Portfolio Holders and the Chairman of a Committee under Council Procedure Rule 12.7.


1)           Councillor Ms Nunn asked a question about Central Bedfordshire Council’s involvement with Anglian Water over disrupted water in Barton-le-Clay.


The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities and Healthier Lifestyles explained that the Council had no jurisdiction over Anglian Water.


2)      Councillor Mrs Chapman asked a question about the Council’s e-petitions scheme and whether there could be more than one signature from one email address.


         The Portfolio Holder for Policy and Performance undertook to provide a written answer.


3)      Councillor Aldis asked a question about incinerators being built in Bedfordshire.


         The Assistant Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities and Healthier Lifestyles explained that he was not aware of any incinerators being built in the area.  The Assistant Portfolio Holder updated Members on the BEaR project. 


4)      Councillor Ms Nunn asked a question about the contingency arrangements in place for snowfalls.


         The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities and Healthier Lifestyles explained that a report was due to be considered by the Executive on a winter programme of works looking at the issues that arose last winter and how these might be resolved.


The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services explained that a new web page would become available showing the up-to-the-minute status of school closures and school transport routes.  Schools had also set up a service whereby they send a text message to parents informing them of any school closure.


5)      Councillor Dr Egan asked a question about Members receiving information on the future development of the Kingsland Campus site, Houghton Regis.


         The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Skills and Regeneration confirmed that the future development of the Kingsland Campus site was being progressed and discussions were taking place with partners.  The results from these discussions were due to be pulled together in the forthcoming weeks.  The Portfolio Holder advised that once this information was available he would provide an update.


         The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services explained that the future of the Kingsland Campus site was also part of the review of school places in Dunstable and Houghton Regis.  The Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee were due to consider this review at its meeting on 25 January 2011.


6)      Councillor Dr Egan asked a question about whether residents would be deterred from using the Council’s e-petition scheme as it required a username and password.  To set up a username and password the system required the public to provide personal information.  She also queried how this personal information was protected and how this information was used.


         The Portfolio Holder for Policy and Performance advised that a written response would be provided.


7)      Councillor Dr Egan asked a question about the low number of residents that had responded to the Council’s budget strategy consultation on the Central Bedfordshire’s Let’s Talk Central web page.


         The Portfolio Holder for Policy and Performance advised that a written response would be provided.  He also pointed out that there was opportunity for the public to comment on the budget proposals through the Overview and Scrutiny Committee process.


8)      Councillor Aldis asked a question about Central Bedfordshire Council’s attitude towards schools becoming academies and the associated land transfer implications.  He also queried who would be responsible for the academies’ employees pensions.


         The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services explained that the local authority had no influence over whether or not schools decided to pursue academy status.  The Council would still work in partnership with any academies.  A written answer would be provided on the pensions issue.


9)      Councillor Green asked for an update on the proposed closure of Dunstable Registry Office.


         The Portfolio Holder for Customers, Systems and Assets explained that Dunstable Town Council had agreed to reduce the amount of rent Central Bedfordshire Council paid for the use of Grove House.  It was anticipated that the savings for this service would be achieved whilst maintaining a Registry Service in Dunstable.


10)   Councillor Ms Nunn asked a question about the future of the Early Years Team in Kempston.


         The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services explained that the Council valued the work this team carried out.  The Service Level Agreement with Bedford Borough Council ceased at the end of December 2010.  The service was being disaggregated and a share of the employees would come across to Central Bedfordshire Council under TUPE.  At the same time as this service was being disaggregated, a reorganisation was being carried out within the Special Educational Needs team.