Agenda item

Agenda item

Recommendations from the Constitution Advisory Group

To consider the recommendations from the meeting of the Constitution Advisory Group and answer questions asked under Rule No. 12.1.


                                                                           Date of Meeting           Page No.


A.  Oral Questions at Council                         18 October 2010          17 - 24


B.  Formalising the Constitution                     18 October 2010          25 - 28

Advisory Group in the Constitution


C.  Cross Reference of Public                        18 October 2010          29 - 32

      Participation Scheme and Petitions


D.  Consultation with the Leader on               18 October 2010          33 - 36

      Member Development Matters




(a)    Oral Questions at Council


The Council considered a recommendation from the meeting of the Constitution Advisory Group held on 18 October 2010, seeking approval of amendments to the Constitution in relation to the Oral Questions procedure for Council.




that the following amendments to Part B of the Constitution, be approved:


1.            an additional paragraph to be inserted to become a new paragraph, with the following wording: “Members of the Council may also ask any question without notice on matters relating to the functions of the Bedfordshire Police Authority and the Bedfordshire and Luton Combined Fire Authority.  This period of questions and answers shall last no more than 10 minutes.” with the paragraphs following it to be renumbered; as set out in Appendix A to the report;


2.            paragraph 12.1.1 to be amended by the deletion of the words “(or of a body referred to in Rule” and the insertion of “or report” after “upon a recommendation”; as set out in Appendix A attached; and


3.            all references in Part B5 paragraph and section 12.7 (throughout) to “oral questions” to be changed to “open questions”.



(b)    Formalising the Constitution Advisory Group in the Constitution


The Council considered a recommendation from the meeting of the Constitution Advisory Group held on 18 October 2010, seeking approval to amend the Constitution to formalise the membership of the Constitution Advisory Group.  The recommendation also proposed that as the Constitution covered the governance of the Council, the Chairman of the Council, or the Vice-Chairman of the Council, and at least one member of the Executive, be included in the membership.




1.      that Section A5 paragraph 2 of the Constitution be amended by the addition of the following words at a new paragraph 2.2 to follow the existing paragraph 2.1:


         “The Constitution Advisory Group will be appointed annually at the annual meeting of Council and will comprise a membership of 6, proportionate to the political structure of the Council, with one substitute member.  The membership of the Advisory Group shall include the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of the Council and at least one member of the Executive.” and


2)      that consequential amendments are made to renumber the paragraphs which follow, and to change the reference in paragraph 2.1 from paragraph 2.3 to paragraph 2.4.



(c)    Cross Reference of Public Participation Scheme and Petitions Scheme


The Council considered a recommendation from the meeting of the Constitution Advisory Group held on 18 October 2010 about cross referencing the recently approved Petitions Scheme with the Public Participation Scheme in the Constitution, to provide better guidance for the reader.


A question was raised about  the Petitions Scheme and the requirement for 7 clear days notice of a petition.  The Constitution Advisory Group would give further consideration to this requirement.




that Part A4 Annex 2 Petitions Scheme paragraph 1.1 of the Constitution be amended by the addition of the following words, after the words “Monitoring Officer” at the end of the first sentence:-


“subject to the provisions of the General Principles Governing All Public Participation as set out at Part A4, Appendix A Section 2 of the Constitution.”



(d)        Consultation with the Leader on Member Development Matters


The Council considered a recommendation from the meeting of the Constitution Advisory Group held on 18 October 2010, seeking approval to formalise the involvement of the Leader of the Council on Members Development matters.


A query was raised about Members having the opportunity to see how much funding was available for Member Development throughout the year.  A written response would be provided.




that Part H3 paragraph 4.7.1 of the Constitution be amended as set out in Appendix A to the report.



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