Agenda item

Agenda item

Children Centres; Delivery in Central Bedfordshire


To consider a draft report regarding the delivery of Children Centres in Central Bedfordshire.



The Executive Member for Children’s Services presented the Children Centres report, which outlined proposals for the reconfiguration of Children Centres in Central Bedfordshire from April 2012.


Members of the Committee discussed the contents of the report in detail and raised a number of queries regarding the following issues, which were addressed by the Executive Member and officers in attendance:


·               How the hub and spoke model would operate in practice and what effect the preferred option would have on those Centres not designated as a hub.

The Executive Member confirmed that no Centre would close should the preferred option (Option 1) be approved and services would continue in all parts of the Authority but with a focus on areas of greatest need. The Executive Member further stated that whilst Children Centres had provided a good service, they had perhaps not reached those families in greatest need to the extent they should have and Option 1, if approved, would address this issue. The Executive Member went on to confirm that Option 1 would not reduce current funding levels but would target funds more effectively to improve outcomes;

·               The need for reassurance that Option 1 would not spread services too thinly on the ground, particularly for rural areas;

The Executive Member confirmed that in many ways the services offered currently would not change although those clusters not designated as a hub may possibly experience a reduction in operating hours or the breadth of service provided. The effective use of outreach services would however continue and new initiatives such as self help, partnered help and the use of voluntary organisations would be explored. These issues would be addressed in a quality led commissioning process, which would ensure providers supported the priorities contained within the Children and Young People’s Plan.

·               How Children Centres in Central Bedfordshire were performing currently in terms of best practice;

The Director of Children’s Services confirmed that although there had been no Ofsted inspection of Children Centres in Central Bedfordshire in the current quarterly reporting to which any external assessment could be made, she confirmed that in her opinion the current service offered a good mix of urban and rural provision, excelled at outreach services but could do better in targeting spend on priority outcomes. In this respect, she would take close interest in the Payment by Results Pilots currently operating in a number of Authorities.

·               How hubs would be enhanced under Option 1:

The Director of Children’s Services confirmed that whilst the proposed enhancement to hubs would be more specifically prescribed during the commissioning process, early aspirations included: refocusing the peripatetic team on larger Centres; allowing other, relevant, professionals (i.e. health workers) to operate from them; and using them as a possible platform for training.


There were a number of other questions raised during the debate, which the Committee felt required a written response.  The Executive Member and officers in attendance agreed to provide such as soon as possible, but in any event no later than the date of the Executive meeting making a decision on this issue (i.e. 10 January 2012). The questions raised and responses given are contained in the attached appendix.


At the end of the debate, the Committee agreed by majority vote (10 for, 1 against, 1 abstention) to endorse the reconfiguration of all existing Centres into 9 clusters, with an enhancement of resources available in the areas of greatest need (i.e. Option 1).


Finally, the Committee requested that the Director of Children’s Services pass on their sincere thanks to the staff of The Orchard Children’s Centre at Shefford Lower School for their time and hospitality in allowing Members the opportunity to tour the facility prior to today’s meeting.




That Option 1, the reconfiguration of all existing Centres into 9 clusters, with an enhancement of resources available in the areas of greatest need, be endorsed for consideration by the Executive at its meeting on 10 January 2012.


Supporting documents: