Agenda item

Agenda item

Outcome of public consultation on proposals for Crescent Court, Toddington and Croft Green, Dunstable


To consider a report detailing the outcome of public consultation on Crescent Court, Toddington and Croft Green, Dunstable.


This item is scheduled for 30 minutes.




The Committee received a report from the Executive Member for Social Care, Health and Housing that summarised the outcomes of the consultation on the future options for Crescent Court.  In addition to the report the Executive Member commented that various meetings had been held with residents and a dedicated officer had been appointed to liaise with a resident and the Friends of Crescent Court group.


The Committee also received a presentation from the Housing Services Manager that set out the consultation process and outcomes of that consultation, options that had been proposed, the new residents’ option and an update on the current position.  In addition the Housing Services Manager stated that Crescent Court was not currently considered to be fit for purpose.  There were issues in the property that included the configuration of the bedsits; poor access; and heating.  The Council recognised that the manner of consultation had not been sensitive at the outset but there had been four further phases of formal consultation and the Council had assisted with the appointment of an independent advisory to the residents of Crescent Court.


Councillor Tom Nicols stated he believed Crescent Court was not fit for purpose and could not easily be refurbished to a sufficient standard for it to be fit for purpose in the long-term.  The scheme had to be appropriate for future residents as well as those currently living at Crescent Court. The development of a new Extra Care scheme was the best way to deliver this.  Councillor Nicols also stated that provision for people with dementia was a very important aspect of the Extra Care scheme.  This could be the only opportunity to develop an Extra Care scheme in the area and as such he felt we should grasp that opportunity.


In response to issues highlighted in the report and the officer presentation Members raised and discussed the following issues in detail:-

·                    It was important to engage and listen to residents of Crescent Court during the development of proposals.  The deliverability of the residents’ option needed to be considered.

·                    The deliverability of a phased redevelopment approach on the current crescent court site as proposed by residents.

·                    The need to ensure current residents were guaranteed a place in any new development.  The Council also needed to ensure that residents could be rehoused in alternative accommodation in Toddington if a new Extra Care scheme was developed.

·                    It was important to deliver services that provided care and support as an alternative to residential care.

·                    Interest from land owners and Toddington Parish Council in relation to the possibility of a ‘land-swap’.

·                    Residents had negative views towards other similar extra care schemes they had visited.

·                    Concerns of building on land identified as greenbelt and the possibility of this setting a precedent for further development on greenbelt.

·                    The difficulties associated with refurbishing Crescent Court.  It was noted that current problems relating to heating needed to be resolved.

·                    The importance of enhancing capacity for provision of services for people with dementia in Central Bedfordshire.  It was also important capacity of facilities met possible future demand.

·                    The importance of design standards and ensuring that residents were involved in planning any designs.

·                    Levels of stress may be increased for residents living in Crescent Court if a new development was to take place around them.


The Chairman thanked residents for attending the meeting and for raising views that informed the Committee’s recommendations.



1.                  That option one (refurbishment) not be progressed.

2.                  That the feasibility of option three (development of an Extra Care Scheme on a site in Toddington being progressed through a Neighbourhood Plan) be explored.  This option to be developed as a mixed tenure scheme in partnership with Toddington Parish Council.

3.                  That the feasibility of aligning option two (development of an Extra Care Scheme on an existing site) and the resident’s option, as a phased development be explored.

4.                  That a feasibility report be produced by the end of May 2012 relating to recommendations (2) and (3) with a recommendation on a preferred option.

5.                  That existing Crescent Court residents be guaranteed a place in any new development.

6.                  That exploratory discussion continues relating to the viability of a housing association undertaking the development and operation of a new development.

7.                  That the essential health and safety works and installation of a new heating system at Crescent Court be progressed.

8.                  That it be ensured existing residents are fully involved in the design of any development, in particular to avoid any new building being ‘institutional’ in character.


(Note: The Committee adjourned at 11.30am for a short break and reconvened at 11.38am)


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