Agenda item

Agenda item

Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG)

To note the update on the DSG and Pupil Premium arrangements and make recommendations for the 2012/13 distribution.



The Forum received and considered a report which provided an update on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) and Pupil Premium arrangements and to make recommendations for the 2012/13 distribution.


Deployment of the DSG 2011/12


The DSG for 2011/12 was £172.555m.  This was based on 37,044 (fte number of pupils as at 01/11) multiplied by £4,658 (Guaranteed Unit of Funding (GUF).  The LACSEG deductions attributable to 17 converted schools as at December 2011 was £440k.  It was expected that a further 10 schools would convert before the end of the financial year requiring a further 96k from Headroom.


Noted the update on the deployment of the 2011/12 DSG.


DSG and Pupil Premium Arrangements


On 13 December 2011 the Department for Education (DfE) confirmed that the main DSG arrangements for 2012/13 would be:-

·        Flat cash Guaranteed Units of Funding (GUF)

·        A continuation, of protecting funding for three year olds at 90% of the three year old population

·        A Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) of minus 1.5%

·        a cash floor of minus 2% (local authority protection)


It was noted that the GUF would be the same as 2011/12 i.e. £4,658.10 for Central Bedfordshire.  In addition, the Early Years Single Funding Fomula (EYSFF) would continue for 2012/13.


The Pupil Premium (PP) grant would be allocated to local authorities as follows:-

·        £600 per pupil for each Ever 6 Free School Meal (FSM) full time equivalent (fte) pupil aged 4 and over in Year Groups R to 11 in mainstream schools; and

·        £250 per pupil for each full time equivalent (fte) pupil recorded on the January 2012 School Census, as a Service child aged 4 and over in Year Groups R to 11 in mainstream schools.

·        £600 provisional allocation per pupil for each Looked After Child for the number of children continuously looked after for over 6 months as recorded in the March 2011 Children Looked After Data Return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2010.


It was requested that all sections of Social Services be made aware PP funding does not pass to special schools but is held centrally.


Noted the update on the 2012/13 DSG and Pupil Premium arrangements.


Consultation on changes to Funding Formula for 2012/13


The Forum noted that two workshops had been held to explain to schools the new funding formula and in particular the model 2, which was selected at the 28 November 2011 Schools Forum meeting (Minute no. CBSF/11/28 refers).  The Funding Formula was being reduced from the current 27 factors down to a more manageable amount.   Concerns had been expressed by both the Lower and Middle Schools who would be receiving less funds that under the current arrangements.  It was agreed that a lump sum of £95k would be paid to Lower Schools and £47.5k to Middle Schools.  The attendees of the workshop were reassured to see the breakdowns which had been prepared by Officers for each school.




that the reduction of formula factors for the 2012/13 distribution of DSG as defined in Model 2 and the inclusion of a lump sum for Lower Schools of £95k and Middle Schools of £47.5K be agreed.


This was unanimously supported by the Forum.


Targeted support for Academy conversions


The Forum noted that £60k of DSG was set aside to fund the temporary appointment for one year for targeted support for Academy conversions at the March 2011 Schools Forum meeting (Minute No. CBSF/10/121  refers).  It has been noted that 19 schools are currently in the process of conversion, 16 additional schools have received Academy Orders and a further 5 schools have confirmed a formal intention to convert and have applied to the DfE.


The Forum were being asked to provide an additional £30,000 from the DSG to be set aside to continue the funding of the temporary appointment until September 2012.  The Officer would continue to provide dedicated programme management support and coordination of the LA conversion process and to manage the communication relationship between the Council, converting schools and their professional consultants and legal terms.  The Forum did agree to the budget being set aside but again expressed concerns at the reduction in available funding for the non converting schools.  In addition, the Forum expressed concerns that the Government had established a process without providing adequate funding for the demands on the Local Authorities.




that the extension and funding of the temporary appointment for targeted support for Academy conversions to September 2012 be agreed.


This was passed with a vote of: In favour 8, Against 2 and Abstain 4



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