Agenda item

Agenda item

Quarter Three Report on the Fostering Service - October to December 2011


To receive an outline of activity in the Fostering Service during Quarter Three, with comparison to Quarters One and Two.



The Panel considered a report that outlined activity in the Adoption Agency over the Quarter Three period covering October to December 2011 and provided comparative data for Quarters One and Two.


The Head of Adoption and Fostering introduced the report, drawing Members’ attention to various points of interest.  With regard to the lower number of enquiries on becoming a foster carer from members of the public she explained that this had been due to the low number of face to face recruitment events held during the Quarter and that action would be taken to ensure that the number of such events was increased to optimise enquiries.


The Head of Adoption and Fostering referred to a foster carer recruitment event which had taken place at the Samuel Whitbread Upper School new intake evening.  She explained that the event had not generated many enquiries because parents were focused on the needs of their own children.  The Head of Adoption and Fostering stated, however, that positive links had been established with Samuel Whitbread and with other upper schools in Central Bedfordshire, all of whom would be willing to host recruitment events at more suitable times in the future.


Members’ attention was drawn to the rise in the number of children living with family or friends who were considered, by law, to be looked after.  The Head of Adoption and Fostering commented on the demand this development placed on resources due to the requirement to assess the often complex arrangements that were required and contribute to any associated court proceedings.


The Panel discussed the measures taken to recruit foster carers.  The possibility of including a recruitment event within the summer funday was suggested.  Members were aware of both the advantages and disadvantages that could arise so the Assistant Director (Acting) Children’s Services Operations undertook to examine the matter further before any action was taken.  During further discussion the Head of Adoption and Fostering advised the meeting of the development of a web strategy, including the use of Facebook and online advertising, to encourage foster carer recruitment.  She stressed that thought was constantly being given to devising new ways to aid such recruitment.


The meeting noted the legal protection available to Adoption Agency foster carers.


In response to a  Member’s query on the increase in Looked After Children over the last Quarter the Assistant Director (Acting) explained that there were several reasons why this had occurred including the arrival of unaccompanied asylum seeker children and the increase in children living with family or friends who were technically ‘fostered’.  She emphasised that the increase in Looked After Children numbers reflected a national trend although the numbers in Central Bedfordshire were significantly below the national average.  The Head of Adoption and Fostering stated that an evaluation of local data revealed that as many children returned to their homes as came into care.


In response to a query by the Chairman the Head of Adoption and Fostering stated that the biggest challenge to be faced over the next 12 months was ensuring that the demand for placements could be met.


Consideration was given to the impact, if any, on the treatment of Looked After Children as a result of schools converting to academies.




the Quarter Three report on the Adoption Service for the period October to December 2011.



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