Agenda item

Agenda item

Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG)

To note the update on the DSG arrangements and make recommendations for the 2012/13 distribution.



The Forum received and considered a report which provided an update on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) arrangements and made recommendations for the 2012/13 distribution.


1.            Deployment of the DSG 2011/12


The estimated DSG for 2011/12 is £172.555m.  This is based on 37,044 (fte number of pupils at 01/11) multiplied by £4,658 (Guaranteed Unit of Funding (GUF).  The Local Authority Central Spend Equivalent Grant (LACSEG) deductions were attributed to 19 converted schools as at January 2012 as £476k.  It was anticipated that a further 6 schools would convert before the end of the financial year at a cost of almost £91k.  Any remaining budget would be transferred back into the School Contingency for 2012/13. 




that the deployment of the 2011/12 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), be noted.


2.            Private Voluntary and Independent (PVI) Sector


The PVI sector for 2011/12 had a DSG allocation of £5.261M, based on the Early Years Single Funding model.  As at January 2012, £4.083M had been spent with a further £798k estimated for the remainder of the financial year.  The balance of £380k was proposed to be carried forward for the 2012/13 budget.




that the 2011/12 unspent Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for the Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVIs) providers be Earmarked and carried forward to 2012/13, be agreed.


The Forum unanimously supported the proposal.


3.            Central Services funded by retained DSG for 2012/13


The table, at paragraph 11 of the report, detailed the initial allocations from 2011/12 and any adjustments made at January 2012.  In addition, it was noted that for 2012/13 the proposals for the centrally retained DSG was £9.748M.  This amount reflected the non-breaching of the Central Expenditure Limit (CEL) for 2012/13.  Some of the proposals were reliant on other items on the agenda being approved. 




That the allocation of Central Expenditure (CE) for 2012/13, be noted.


4.                  Local Authority Central Spend Equivalent Grant (LACSEG) for 2012/13


During 2011/12, there was an amount of £1M retained as Headroom to fund the LACSEG deduction.  The Local Authority (LA) noted the pressure on School budgets and therefore have contributed £550K to the Schools Block to cover half of the estimated £1.1M LACSEG deduction for 2012/13.  The Forum was asked to agree a payment of £550k from the DSG to cover the other half of the estimated LACSEG deduction. 




that £550k Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) be set aside for the Local Authority Central Spend Equivalent Grant (LACSEG) in 2012/13, be agreed.


The Forum unanimously supported the proposal.


5.                  Schools Budgets 2012/13


The School Budgets would be distributed during the week commencing 19 March 2012.  It was noted that although the ‘Ever6’ formula had been used for calculating the Pupil Premium Grant, it would be the January Free School Meals (FSM) data, that would be used when calculating factors for the Schools Individual Budgets. 


The Condition Survey factor was a fixed factor and did not alter regardless of building condition but instead on the school’s ranking of condition.  For 2012/13 the ranking had changed significantly and to provide the same level of funding during 2012/13 as had been awarded in 2011/12 it was proposed to add £167,698 to the Condition Survey Factor.   This factor will be reviewed as part of the overall review of factors in June 2012. 




that an additional £167,698 be added to the Condition Survey factor, be agreed.


The Forum voted 12 in favour and 1 abstained


6.                  Funding for Sixth Form SEN


“Statement of Special Educational Needs” costs had increased by £126k for 2012/13 for pupils in mainstream schools, which would be paid by DSG set aside for School Support Services.  DSG would cover any residual amounts.




That any shortfall in funding for sixth form SEN to be funded from unallocated DSG, be agreed.


The Forum unanimously supported the proposal.


7.                  AWPU


It was noted that due to the sizeable reduction in DSG held for Central Services and the increase in the number of pupils that any residual DSG should be distributed to the Schools Individual Schools Budgets for 2012/13 through the Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU).




that any residual DSG arising from the calculation of the Schools Individual Schools Budgets for 2012/13 be deployed through the Age Weighted Pupil Unit, be agreed.


The Forum unanimously supported the proposal.



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