Agenda item

Agenda item

Children in Care Council - Presentation


To receive a presentation setting out the arrangements for the Looked After Children Awards 2012 and the Fun Day 2012.



The Panel received a presentation by two representatives of the Children in Care Council (CiCC) which set out the proposed arrangements for the Looked After Children Awards on 28 September 2012 and the Fun Day 2012.


Turning first to the Looked After Children Awards, a Member suggested that electronic nominations be allowed in addition to the use of paper cards for this purpose.  The Member also requested that consideration be given to introducing an award for those children who welcomed foster children into their homes.


In response to a Member’s query the Head of Service, Safeguarding and Children in Care explained that the awards ceremony itself would start at 6.00 p.m.  and finish by 7.00 p.m.  Then, between 7.00 p.m. and the end of the awards evening at 9.00 p.m., there would be an opportunity for activities and discussion.  She explained that the awards themselves were not age related but based on a range of different categories.


In connection with the use of the Council Chamber in Priory House as the venue for the awards evening, a Member referred to the forthcoming technical upgrades to the presentation and camera equipment in that room.


In response to a query from the Chairman on the possibility of greater publicity for the awards, the Head of Service, Safeguarding and Children in Care stated that information on the evening was currently included in the Council’s internal electronic staff newsletter ‘Be Inspired’ but the Panel could consider whether, subject to the views of the individual award winners, it would wish to see their details circulated more widely.   Members indicated their awareness of the need to respect the privacy of the young people concerned.  The Participation Officer suggested that a display featuring the views of the young people, but which did not divulge any confidential information, could be shown at Chicksands whilst the Head of Service, Safeguarding and Children in Care added that artwork and work for the awards ceremony could also be included.  The co-opted foster carer representatives referred to the Christmas tags which contained messages from Looked After Children and it was suggested that these could be typed up in either leaflet or book form for display.  The Head of Service, Safeguarding and Children in Care undertook to give further attention to these suggestions.


Consideration was given to the possible publication of the award categories.  The meeting noted that the list was quite long as the award was personal to each young person.  The Participation Officer explained that nominations were encouraged for the widest range of achievements, not just those that were academically related.  The Head of Service, Safeguarding and Children in Care explained that the publication of the award categories could be done electronically.


The meeting noted that most of the 130 nominations for the 2011 awards had been received from social workers.  The Participation Officer stated that an effort would be made this year to encourage greater input from foster carers.


The meeting noted the supervisory arrangements for the awards evening.


Turning next to the arrangements for the Fun Day the CiCC representatives advised the meeting that, although the Weatherly Centre had originally been booked as the venue, it had subsequently been established that the Centre lacked sufficient outdoor space for the planned events.  Alternative venues were therefore being sought.  The meeting noted the date of the Fun Day would depend on the venue that was chosen.  A Member suggested that the CiCC consider the sports pavilion and associated outdoor facilities at Sandy.  


Members noted that a raffle would be used at the Fun Day to raise money for a local charity.  The CiCC representatives advised that the Keech Hospice was the chosen charity.


The possibility of sponsorship for both events was considered.  The meeting acknowledged that some organisations would be willing to undertake sponsorship though some concerns were expressed at this proposal.




the arrangements for the Looked After Children Awards 2012 and the Fun Day 2012.



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