Agenda item

Agenda item

Community Safety Plan and Priorities (2013/14)


To consider the three identified priorities for the Community Safety Partnership for 2013-14.


The Deputy Executive Member for Sustainable Communities Services introduced a report that informed the Committee of the three priorities that had been identified for adoption by the Community Safety Partnership for 2013-14.  Cllr Dalgarno emphasised that although there were three identified priorities work would continue in all other areas.


In response to the report Members discussed the following issues in detail:-

·              Whether the term ‘night time economy’ was appropriate.  Officers commented that this was a national term.

·              Whether the 17% reduction in crime between July 2011 and June 2012 was accurate.  Bedfordshire Police responded that they were confident that this was accurate reflection of local performance.  It was commented that a small number of residents accounted for a high number of incidents of crime.  Integrated Offender Management (IOM) and partnership working has led to more targeted work on this small group of perpetrators.

·              The prevalence of crime that was linked to drug or alcohol abuse.

·              The multi-agency approach being used to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) and provide support to victims.  Officers commented that an ASB risk assessment management conference had been hosted to determine the areas of highest risk and to develop a local approach.  It was reported that in some cases the victims of ASB did not report it as they felt intimidated.

·              Reassurances that policing in rural areas would not suffer as a result of police restructures.  Bedfordshire Police responded that the continued presence of Police and Community Safety Officers (PCSOs) in rural areas showed the ongoing commitment to rural policing.

·              Why Healthier Relationships Courses were being delivered specifically to male perpetrators of domestic violence.  In response to questions from Members it was commented that whilst there were female perpetrators of domestic violence this was a smaller cohort and targeted work was more appropriately being undertaken with this group.

·              The activity that was underway to enhance links between the Youth Offending Service (YOS) and the Community Safety Partnership (CSP).  Officers commented that specific work was underway to support young offenders when they turned 18 years of age.  Young offenders had considerable contact with the Youth Offending Team up to the point they turned 18 but after that support tended to cease.  Work was underway through IOM to encourage engagement with young adults beyond the point at which they turn 18.

·              The information that had been used to determine ‘community priorities’, which included a significant amount of consultation and community feedback.


In addition Cllr Murray also commented specifically on the difficulty he had communicating with Bedfordshire Police in the Dunstable area recently.


Whilst the Committee did not feel it was necessary to make a recommendation Members did ask that concerns relating to the emerging issue of metal theft be noted.  It was commented that good work was being undertaken in relation to tackling metal theft and raising awareness of this issue locally and this needed to continue.


RECOMMENDED that the Executive support the three Partnership Strategic Assessment Priorities identified for 2013-14 as follows:-

a.      Anti-Social Behaviour (nuisance and personal)

b.     Offending (by substance misusers and young people)

c.      Violent offences (domestic abuse and night time economy).


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