Agenda item

Agenda item

Customer First


To receive a presentation outlining progress regarding implementation of the Customer First programme.



The Interim Assistant Chief Executive (People & Organisation) delivered a presentation which provided the Committee with an update on progress made regarding the Customer First programme, together with details of the Face to Face Review and Accolaid issue. The presentation specifically covered:-


Customer First Programme


·        The story so far including Executive approval, the appointment of technology partners, consultation with service areas, contract authorisation and the preparation of implementation plans;

·        The Services Implementation Plan in detail; and

·        The need to maintain momentum.


Face to Face Review


·        Details of the 5 customer service centres and the types of service request;

·        The rationale for the review;

·        The consultation process and methodology;

·        Responses to the consultation;

·        Consultation feedback by customer service centre; and

·        Recommendations.


Accolaid Issue


·        An explanation of why the issue had occurred;

·        The impact on average call handling times, which had increased as a result of the issue;

·        Management actions to mitigate the impact whilst a permanent fix was sought; and

·        Confirmation that the issue had now been resolved and that average call handling times had now returned to normal levels, although on the day of the Committee, delays associated with another system, Citrix, were causing problems.


Members of the Committee raised a number of queries during the presentation regarding the Face to Face Review in particular and these are outlined below, together with the responses of the Executive Member and Interim Assistant Chief Executive (People & Organisation):-


Ampthill Customer Service Centre


·        Whilst the Committee concurred with the recommendation to close the Ampthill centre, install a Customer Access Point (CAP) in close proximity and work with the Town Council to provide services, some concern was expressed regarding the consultation process and its credibility given the recent news regarding the use of the site as a location for the Bedfordshire Coroners Office. The Committee sought assurance that future consultations would not be undermined, which the Executive Member was content to give.

·        The location of the CAP, with some Members favouring the library site. The Interim Assistant Chief Executive (People & Organisation) confirmed that its location was currently being considered and that an additional CAP was also a possibility in Flitwick. Members requested full consultation with both Ampthill and Flitwick Town Councils before any decisions were made, which the Executive Member confirmed would be the case;


Shefford Customer Service Centre


·        The Committee was pleased to note that a customer service presence would continue at Priory House and supported the recommendation that it be merged with reception and that a CAP be also installed. The Interim Assistant Chief Executive (People & Organisation) confirmed that the Council would also explore the possibility of an additional CAP in Shefford town centre; and

·        With regard to the merger with reception, Members were concerned to ensure that a suitable facility for members of the public to discuss matters in private remained. The Interim Assistant Chief Executive (People & Organisation) confirmed that such a facility would remain.


Sandy CAP


·        Whilst there were no changes proposed at Sandy, some Members asked whether the historic technical problems experienced with the CAP had been resolved. The Interim Assistant Chief Executive (People & Organisation) confirmed that they had.


Dunstable Customer Service Centre


·        Whilst there were no fundamental changes proposed at Dunstable, the Interim Assistant Chief Executive (People & Organisation) confirmed that the Council was intending to include receptionists within customer services so that they were able to handle some customer service requests using a simple triage system. The Committee was content with this proposal.


Leighton Buzzard Customer Service Centre


The recommendation to reduce the opening days of the Leighton Buzzard Customer Service Centre to 3 days per week caused considerable debate amongst Committee Members, with a number of concerns expressed regarding:-


·        The cost and necessity of the recent renovations given the recommendation now proposed;

·        The prominence of Job Centre Plus (JCP) staff, particularly its G4S security staff, and its role in the management and operation of the centre;

·        The sequencing of consultation with Members, with one Member having been unaware of the proposals before other stakeholders;

·        The validity of the recommendation when measured against the number of customers per customer service advisor per hour and how this measure compared with other customer service centres;

·        The fact that Leighton Buzzard was the largest town in Central Bedfordshire and the need therefore for it to retain a full customer service presence, with the possibility of an additional CAP elsewhere in the town; and

·        The need for further detail regarding the savings anticipated should the recommendation be implemented;


As there was a considerable degree of debate on the proposals for Leighton Buzzard, the Interim Assistant Chief Executive (People & Organisation), in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources, undertook to carry out further consultation with ward members and to not implement the particular proposal with regard to Leighton Buzzard, pending the outcome of such consultation. A report would be presented to the 18 December meeting of this Committee, which would provide Members with the opportunity to consider these outcomes.


The Committee also reflected on the need for the Council to ensure it conducted full and meaningful consultation with town councils regarding these proposals and communicated effectively with members of the public about the benefits innovations such a Customer Access Points (CAPs) would bring.




1.      That the recommendations regarding the Ampthill and Shefford customer service centres be endorsed;

2.      That implementation of the recommendation regarding the Leighton Buzzard customer service centre be postponed and that a further consultation with Members and other relevant stakeholders be undertaken, the outcomes of which be presented to this Committee at its 18 December 2012 meeting; and

3.      That the Council ensures it conducts full and meaningful consultation with town councils regarding these proposals and communicates effectively with members of the public about the benefits innovations such a Customer Access Points (CAPs) will bring.