Agenda item

Agenda item

Recommendations from the Executive

To consider recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on      18 March 2013 and answer questions asked under Rule No. 13.1.


(a)         Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan


Note:  The final Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan will be published on the web site in advance of the meeting and can be viewed via the following link:


A hard copy can be requested from Sandra Hobbs, Committee Services Officer.


(b)         Commissioning New School Places for Implementation from September 2014

(c)         Options for Resolving Current Delays in Academy Conversions caused by Disputed Liabilities for Pension Payments


(Attached at pages 13 to 20)


Note:  The papers from the Executive meeting for items (a), (b) and (c) above can be viewed via the following link:




(a)    Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan


         The Council considered a recommendation from the meeting of the Executive held on 18 March 2013 seeking approval of the draft Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan for publication and submission to the Secretary of State.


Councillor Mrs D Gurney moved an amendment to recommendation 1, which was duly seconded by Councillor A Zerny:-


“that the draft Pre-Submission Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan, be approved for the purposes of Publication and Submission to the Secretary of State, subject to the removal of site 58 from the Plan on the grounds that it is not fit for purpose.”


On a vote by show of hands, this amendment was lost.


Councillor I Shingler moved an amendment to recommendation 1, which was duly seconded by Councillor J Murray:-


“that the draft Pre-Submission Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan, be approved for the purposes of Publication and Submission to the Secretary of State, subject to the removal of site 16 from the Plan on the grounds that it is not fit for purpose.”


On a vote by show of hands, this amendment was lost.


         In response to questions from Members the Executive Member for Sustainable Communities – Strategic Planning and Economic Development commented that many of the questions had been answered during the previous agenda item ‘Questions, Statements and Deputations’.  He reiterated that if the Council did not have a Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan, Central Bedfordshire would be at risk of unauthorised gypsy and traveller encampments.  The Council had a statutory obligation to address the accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers alongside the settled population.  The Planning Inspector would investigate the soundness of each proposed site and indicate whether the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan was ‘sound’.  The Statutory Consultation would take place in May – June 2013, during which interested parties would have the opportunity to submit representations. 


In accordance with paragraph 21.5 of Part B5 of the Council’s Constitution ‘Full Council Procedure Rules’, a recorded vote was requested.


Those in favour of the recommendation from the Executive were:  Councillors Bastable, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Mrs Chapman MBE, Mrs S Clark, Costin, Dalgarno, Dodwell, Mrs Drinkwater, Duckett, Mrs Gammons, Gomm, Mrs Green, Mrs Hegley, Hollick, Hopkin, Jamieson, M Jones, Matthews, Maudlin, McVicar, Mrs Mustoe, Nicols, Sheppard, Miss Sparrow, Spurr, Stay, A Turner, Mrs P Turner MBE, Versallion, Warren, Wells, Wenham, Williams and Young.


Those against the recommendation from the Executive were:  Councillors Birt, Dr Egan, Ms Graham, Mrs Gurney, D Lawrence, Mrs Lawrence, Murray, Pepworth, Shingler, Smith and Zerny.


Councillors Aldis, Mrs G Clarke, Mrs Goodchild, D Jones and B Saunders abstained from voting.


The vote was carried and the recommendation was approved, as set out below.




1.            that the draft Pre-Submission Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan be approved for the purposes of Publication and Submission to the Secretary of State; and


2.            the Director of Sustainable Communities, in consultation with the Executive Member for Sustainable Communities – Strategic Planning and Economic Development, be authorised to make any minor amendments to the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan:


(i)           prior to Publication;

(ii)         after Publication but before Submission; and

(iii)       during the Examination process.



At the conclusion of this item, the Chairman adjourned the meeting from 9.10 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. enabling those members of the public who did not wish to remain, to leave the meeting.



(b)    Commissioning New School Places for Implementation from September 2014


         The Council considered a recommendation from the meeting of the Executive held on 18 March 2013 that the externally funded rolling Capital Programme for New School Places 2014/15 be approved.





that the externally funded rolling Capital Programme for New School Places to 2014/15, as set out in Appendix A to the Executive report, be approved, noting the amendments to the Council’s approved Capital Programme which will be required beyond 2014/15.


(c)    Options for Resolving Current Delays in Academy Conversions caused by Disputed Liabilities for Pension Payments


         The Council considered a recommendation from the meeting of the Executive held on 18 March 2013 to set aside £600,000 from contingency to meet the Council’s liability for pension payments.




that there is no provision in the Council’s Revenue Budget for 2012/13 to cover the costs of making this commitment and accordingly agrees to set aside £600,000 from contingency to meet the Council’s liability. 



Supporting documents: