Agenda item

Agenda item

A hearing called to vary Premises Licence and Sex Entertainment Licence in respect of Shaylers, 4 Church Street, Ampthill, Beds

The consider an application for the variation of a Premises Licence and a Sex Entertainment Venue Licence for Shaylers Ampthill.




The Sub-Committee received and considered a report from the Head of Service, Public Protection which advised that two applications had been submitted for the following:

1.    A variation to the Premises Licence to extend the hours of operation; and

2.    A variation to the Sex Establishment Licence to extend the hours of operation.

The Applicant’s solicitor and the Manager of Shayler’s attended the meeting and made representations.


The Chairman outlined the procedure to be followed.


The Chairman invited the Head of Public Protection to present the report to the Sub-Committee.  The Sub-Committee were advised that the Applicant, Lord Shayler, had submitted two applications for variations to the hours of operation for their premise licence and Sex Establishment Licence.  The applications sought the following:


1.    Extension to the current licensed hours for the Premises Licence:

·           For the sale of alcohol to 03.30 Thursday to Saturday;

·           To extend the hours for regulated entertainment (live and recorded music) Thursday to Saturday to 04:00;

·           To extend hours for sale of late night refreshment Thursday to Saturday to 04:00

·           To add performance of dance as a licensable activity from 18:00 to 04:00 Thursday to Saturday and 18:00 to 01:00 on Sundays

·           To extend opening hours for the premises Thursday to Saturday to 04:00


2.    Extension to the current licensed hours for the Sex Establishment Licence:

·           19:00 to 00:30 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

·           19:00 to 04:00 Thursday, Friday and Saturday

·           The premises will be closed as a Sexual Entertainment Venue on a Sunday


The Chairman invited the Applicant’s solicitor to present their case to the Sub-Committee.  The applications for a variation to the premise licence and the sex establishment licence were set out as detailed in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.  Mr Fender explained to the Sub-Committee the following points:

·           There had been no indications of any problems at the premises;

·           The Police, the Fire Service, Planning, Environmental Health, the Licensing Authority, Trading Standards and Child Protection Services had not made any representations to the applications

·           The number of inspection visits to the premises had resulted in a ‘low risk’ rating being given to the premises

·           There is a demand for the venue to be open longer hours

·           The number of objections was half the amount received for the granting of the initial sex establishment licence last year


The Chairman invited the rest of the Sub-Committee to question the Applicant’s Solicitor.


The Chairman invited the Applicant’s Solicitor and the Head of Public Protection to ask questions of each other.


The Chairman invited objectors to make representations.


Cllr Blair on behalf of Ampthill Town Council expressed their strong objection to the applications and urged refusal. 


Mrs Armitage represented Ampthill Community Safety and stated that 120+ residents lived within shouting distance of Shayler’s.  There had been vomiting, broken glass.


Cllr P Duckett on behalf of Mr and Mrs Silcock highlighted the noise nuisance established in a recent hearing.  120+ adults and children do not want further noise nuisance.


Mrs Hudson on behalf of Mrs Pelling asked if you are allowed to take alcohol off of the premises how is this a ‘low’ risk?


The Chairman invited the Applicant and the Head of Public Protection to sum up their cases.


The Sub-Committee adjourned to deliberate upon the application.  The Managing Solicitor for Central Bedfordshire Council joined the panel to provide clarification of questions.



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