Agenda item

Agenda item

Development of the Corporate Parenting Panel (CPP)

To consider a presentation setting out a summary of the findings on regional and other Corporate Parenting Panels, a summary of the current position regarding Central Bedfordshire Council’s Corporate Parenting Panel and, lastly, options for development and increased engagement in Central Bedfordshire.




The Panel considered a slide pack setting out a summary of the findings on regional and other Corporate Parenting Panels, a summary of the current position regarding Central Bedfordshire Council’s Corporate Parenting Panel and, lastly, options for development and increased engagement in Central Bedfordshire.


The Assistant Director Children’s Services Operations reminded the meeting that the review process had not yet finished and the Chairman and officers were due to visit Milton Keynes to examine its Corporate Parenting Panel arrangements (minute CPP/13/10 above also refers).


The Chairman explained that although the Panel would further consider this matter at its July meeting he wanted to gain Members’ initial views in order to provide the Assistant Director with guidance.  The Assistant Director stated that Members should be aware of the positive aspect of the Panel’s current format.  He felt that the Panel was positively supported and functioned well although the frequency and timing of meetings could be examined.  He stressed that any review of the Panel was starting from a position of strength and he awaited guidance form Members.


The Chairman suggested the possibility of quarterly meetings held at 4.00 p.m.  He also suggested a separate half hour session be held immediately prior to the Panel’s meetings to allow for direct discussion with young people.   However, Members commented the suggested timing would conflict with the end of the school day and would make attendance by some Members difficult.  The Vice-Chairman suggested a later start at 5.00 p.m. with refreshments and the Assistant Director undertook to investigate this further.


With regard to the location of future meetings discussion took place on the suitability of types of venue.  It was acknowledged that the use of non-Council venues would require payment.  It was then suggested that the use of the Council Chamber was overwhelming too formal for young people.  However, Members commented that some young people liked the formality of the Chamber and its use suggested to them that their presence was being taken seriously.  Members were aware that the Children in Care Council representatives had not experience difficulty earlier in the meeting when presenting their views.  It was also stated that continuing to hold the meetings at the Council Offices would make the provision of refreshments more convenient. The Chairman suggested that the Children in Care Council’s views be sought on venues for future Panel meetings.


A Member expressed a need for the Panel to receive development and training especially in order to deal with questions arising from Ofsted inspections.  The Chairman reminded the meeting that an attempt had been made to provide training in its broadest sense to all Central Bedfordshire Council Members but only approximately half had attended one of the training sessions.   Reference was then made to the action taken by other authorities which emphasised that all elected Members were aware of their responsibilities as corporate parents.  Mention was made that some authorities provided a charter setting out Members’ aims, objectives and responsibilities.  The Assistant Director undertook to examine the suggestions made.


Reference was made to the provision of training to staff who were also ‘corporate parents’ by virtue of their employment.


A foster carer suggested that the number of carers on the Panel be increased.  The Assistant Director suggested that this matter should be raised at the Council’s Foster Care Forum.




the slide pack on the development of the Corporate Parenting Panel.



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