Agenda item

Agenda item

All Party Parliamentary Group for Looked After Children and Care Leavers - Roles and Responsibilities


To receive a presentation by members of the Children in Care Council.



The Panel received a presentation from the Children in Care Council (CiCC) representatives which set out the results of the work carried out in relation to the inquiry on entitlements being undertaken by the All Parliamentary Group for Looked After Children and Care Leavers


A copy of the slide pack is attached at Appendix A to these minutes.


In addition an action plan was circulated at the meeting setting out, in table format, the key findings and recommendations arising from the national inquiry.  The table also contained local actions which had been devised by the Senior Management Team (SMT) in response to the recommendations.


A copy of the action plan is attached at Appendix B to these minutes.


The CiCC representatives then introduced their presentation.  When asked what local entitlement issue required improvement they indicated that they thought some social workers lacked an understanding of what entitlements Looked After Children and young people could receive.  The Assistant Director Children’s Services Operations explained that this matter had been considered by SMT and action was scheduled within the action plan.  The Assistant Director added that the recommendations in the action plan would be audited and an update report submitted to the Panel in six months.  The Head of Corporate Parenting stated that the audit would cover compliance, meeting expectations and increasing social worker knowledge.  At the suggestion of the Director of Social Care, Heath and Housing the Assistant Director undertook to amend the action plan by including relevant dates and times.


In response to a query on the CiCC a representative of that body explained that it met once a month at various venues.  A new chairman was elected at each meeting and minutes taken, typed up and submitted to the following meeting to ensure that decisions had been implemented.


A Member raised a number of queries regarding the composition of the CiCC, including the length of time in which individual CiCC members had been in care and participation by disabled young people, and how the viewpoints of the different age ranges were represented.  In response, and with regard to the participation of disabled children in the CiCC, the Assistant Director Children’s Services Operations stated that both he and the CiCC acknowledged that improvement was required in this area.  The CiCC intended to recruit disabled young people and the Head of Services for Disabled People had been tasked with taking this forward.  On the matter of representation of the views of different age ranges a CiCC representative stated that the older Looked After Children did monitor the younger children and sought their views so they could be reported to the Panel.


In response to a query by the Vice-Chairman regarding the assistance offered to young people when claiming entitlements, the Head of Corporate Parenting advised that officers assisted young people to complete forms.  The Team Manager – 13+ Transition and Leaving Care added that personal advisers would sit with young people and establish what entitlements they could receive and then assist them with their applications.


The Panel considered the benefits arising from placing a greater emphasis on holding informal discussions with the CiCC representatives and the use of alternative venues for this purpose.  Members and CiCC representatives indicated their support for this approach.


A Member commented on the sense of reality introduced by CiCC representation at the Panel’s meetings and asked if it would be possible for at least one CiCC representative to attend each meeting of the Panel in future and report back on developments.  Discussion followed on this suggestion which was welcomed by the Chairman and CiCC representatives.  It was felt that meeting agendas should contain items of direct relevance to the CiCC in order to ensure their attendance was worthwhile.  The Assistant Director Children’s Services Operations stated that, if possible, future Panel agendas would contain at least one item which would enable CiCC representative participation and another on which the representative’s views would be sought. 


The Assistant Director Housing Services informed the CiCC representatives that he would value discussions with the CiCC on accommodation provision for Looked After Children and being challenged by them on related policy and procedure.  The CiCC representatives welcomed this opportunity and the Assistant Director undertook to invite the CiCC to meet him.




the presentation on the Entitlements Inquiry for Looked After Children and Care Leavers and the accompanying Action Plan from the Senior Management Team.




1a        that an update report on the progress made under the Senior Management Team action plan, which had arisen in response to the outcome of the national Entitlements Enquiry, be submitted to the Panel in six months;


1b       that the action plan be amended to include relevant dates and times;


2          that  the Assistant Director Children’s Services Operations ensure that, if possible, future Panel agendas include at least one item which would enable CiCC representative participation and another on which the representative’s views would be sought;


3          that the possibility of the Panel undertaking informal discussions with CiCC representatives at alternative venues be investigated.



Supporting documents: