Agenda item

Agenda item

Quality Accounts


To receive the draft 2013/14 Quality Accounts from:

·         The Luton and Dunstable Hospital University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

·         Bedford Hospital NHS Trust and

·         South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT)



Bedford Hospital


The Chairman welcomed Nina Fraser, Director of Nursing at Bedford Hospital NHS Trust who introduced the Trust’s Quality Account 2013/14 and provided an overview of the achievements in the last year and priorities for 2014/15.  These included:-

·         Improved performance in patient safety.  The Trust had implemented a new successful method to isolate patients with suspected infections on arrival at Hospital.

·         A variety of methods would be used to collate data for the performance measure ‘to improve the areas of most concern to patients’.  The use of mobile text messaging had not proved to be a successful method.  

·         Clinical effectiveness to prevent avoidable deaths figures had been affected by specific incidences.  A mortality review process had been introduced to improve awareness.

·         Reference to the Care Quality Commissions’ Inspection last year and the turnaround of the Hospital to meet the standards expected.  The General Medical Council had agreed that Junior Doctors would return to Bedford Hospital in summer 2014.


In light of the update, Members raised a number of issues including:-

·         Improvements in care that had resulted in the decrease in falls and whether good practice was shared with other care providers.  Mrs Fraser responded that a forum to share good practice existed and was used for this purpose.

·         The need to enhance awareness of new superbugs.  Bedford Hospital had included information in a care bundle on the rising incidence of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria (CPE) as well as the signs of septicaemia.  GPs and Commissioners received regular updates.


Luton and Dunstable Hospital


Victoria Parsons, Trust Board Secretary at the Luton and Dunstable Hospital introduced the Trust’s Quality Account 2013/14 and provided an overview of the achievements and priorities for 2014/15.  The Hospital had achieved all of its priorities and would strive to continue this upward trend.


The Hospital had introduced specialist clinical nurses to all wards, reduced falls and improved treatment of pressure ulcers.  The quality of responses to complaints had improved with a low number of complainants unhappy with their response.


Following the improvements made to the outpatient facilities, patients had seen their appointments rescheduled and car parking had become a big issue.  Administrative staff had received NVQ training in customer care to improve performance. 


The Luton and Dunstable hospital had improved performance on hospital mortality across the fractured neck of femur priority with previous results putting them amongst the worst in the country.


In light of the presentation, Members raised questions in relation to car parking.  The Trust Board Secretary acknowledged the problem and announced plans for a new staff car park close by.  It was queried whether patients and staff used the new busway.  It was confirmed this data was not collected at present.


South Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust (SEPT)


Richard Winter, Executive Director, South Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust (SEPT) and colleagues Helen Smart and Paul Rix presented the Trust Quality Account.  Mr Winter referred to the success of the Trust’s performance which had seen a reduction in the number of suicides, a successful mystery shopper exercise and a reduction in the number of pressure ulcers and falls.  Mrs Smart referred to areas of innovation in care, especially the work on acute pathways and the redirection of patients from hospital and moved to appropriate care.  From November 2011 the Trust had ensured no patient experienced a delay in their transfer and SEPT was the only Trust to achieve this.


Paul Rix referred to achievements in the care of mental health patients and the Learning Disability Service.  The Trust had successfully developed screening and access programmes to help adults and children in need.  A programme of work to help dementia patients was also underway.


In light of the update, Members raised the following issues:-

·         The low number of patients aged 75 years and over admitted to hospital was a great accomplishment. The Trust hoped to target the next age group in the same way.

·         The suicide rate figures had reduced and work to combat the more vulnerable group of 35-55 year old men was planned.  SEPT would undertake a survey on this issue and agreed to bring the information to the Committee for their consideration at a future date.


The Committee agreed that in all three Quality Accounts the priorities matched those of the public and patients and that the public had been involved in the production of the Quality Account.



1.    Bedford Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Quality Account 2013/14 be noted and a statement from the Committee be incorporated that the Committee were satisfied with the evidence provided.

2.    The Luton and Dunstable Hospital University Foundation Trust Quality Account 2013/14 be noted and a statement from the Committee be incorporated that confirmed they were satisfied with the evidence provided.

3.    The South Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust (SEPT) Quality Account 2013/14 be noted and a statement from the Committee be incorporated that confirmed they were satisfied with the evidence provided.

4.    That SEPT brief Members on the results of the suicide survey.



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