Agenda item

Agenda item

Council’s Schools Admission Arrangements for 2016/17


To consider the Council's arrangements for 2016/17.




The Head of School Organisation, Admissions & Capital Planning introduced a report that sought the Committee’s comments on the revised Central Bedfordshire co-ordinated admissions scheme and the admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for 2016/17.  A consultation had commenced on the proposed admission arrangements for academic year 2016/17 that included:

·         clearer arrangements for pupils with a statement of Special Educational Needs;

·         the removal of nursery, pre-school and other childcare criteria from school admission policies in response to recent decisions made by the national schools adjudicator;

·         A revised catchment area for Russell Lower School in Ampthill.


In light of the report, Members queried the extent of the Council’s influence over Community and Voluntary Controlled schools.  The Head of Service explained the Council could advise and influence decisions on admission arrangements.  The Council was also legally obligated to collate all school admissions data and print the information in an admissions booklet.  Free schools and the independent special schools admission process varied and the new SEND reforms gave parents a greater choice.  Difficulties arose when academies decided to change their admissions numbers especially when this happens with very short notice.  This challenge had been raised with the Department for Education. 


Members noted the challenges faced by the Admissions Team who had successfully placed 98% of pupils in their preferred school during September 2014.  This performance had launched them into the top 10% of authorities in the country for Admissions.


NOTED the report.


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