Agenda item

Agenda item

Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places


To consider a review, in compliance with the requirements of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, of Central Bedfordshire Council’s UK Parliamentary polling districts and polling places.



Members considered a report of the Executive Member for Corporate Resources which advised the Committee of the requirement under the Electoral Administration Act 2006 for all councils to review their UK Parliamentary polling districts and polling places at least once every four years.  The meeting was also advised that, under Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, a review had to be carried out within the sixteen month period beginning on 1 October 2013 and be completed in time for the Parliamentary elections scheduled for 7 May 2015.  It was noted that future reviews would be required to be completed every fifth year to coincide with Parliamentary elections.


The Committee noted that public notice of the start of the review in Central Bedfordshire was given on 21 October 2013 with the closing date for the submission of comments being 31 December 2013.  Although the review was of polling districts and polling places it was accepted that polling stations, which were chosen by the Returning Officer, were inextricably linked to the review and comments were also invited on those proposed or any suggested alternatives.


An article had been placed in News Central and documents published on the Council’s website.  All Central Bedfordshire councillors, Members of Parliament and Members of the European Parliament, all local town and parish councils, political parties and Returning Officers for Parliamentary constituencies wholly or partly in the Council’s area were consulted.  In addition polling station inspectors at the European election held in May 2014 were asked to provide feedback regarding each of the current polling places.  The review also sought representations from people or organisations with particular expertise in relation to access to premises or facilities by persons with a disability. 


The Committee was informed that all proposed new polling station venues had been visited by election officers and had been considered suitable.


A summary of the Acting Returning Officer’s recommendations regarding polling districts was attached at Appendix A to the report and a summary of the Acting Returning Officer’s decisions regarding polling stations was attached at Appendix B.  Evaluations of the various responses received were set out in the scheduled contained at Appendix C to the report.


Following an introduction by the Democratic Services Manager a Member expressed concern at the proposed extensive use of Astral Park Community Centre as the main polling station for the Grovebury Polling District within the Leighton Buzzard South Ward.  She commented that this would not only generate traffic issues but the Community Centre’s distance from some of the electorate would effectively disenfranchise them.


In response the Democratic Services Officer set out the reasons for the use of Astral Park Community Centre and reminded the meeting that the decisions with regard to polling stations rested with the Acting Returning Officer.  He indicated that, in view of the concerns expressed, he could write to local residents offering them the opportunity to be issued with postal ballot papers should they feel that they would be unable to attend the Community Centre because of the travel distance.  Following discussion the Committee was of the opinion that further consideration of this matter should be given outside of the meeting.


Members emphasised that schools should not, if possible, be used for polling stations because of the disruption this caused to children’s education.  However, the Democratic Services Officer explained that, whilst approaches were made to alternative venues such as village halls, there were occasions when these were not available and it was necessary to make use of school premises.




that the recommendations of the Acting Returning Officer in relation to polling districts and polling places, as set out in Appendices A and C to the report of the Executive Member for Corporate Resources, be approved.



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