Agenda item

Agenda item

Recommendations from the Executive

To consider recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on 10 February 2015and answer questions asked under Rule No. 13.1



(a)  Budget 2015/16 and Medium Term Financial Plan.

(pages  )


(b)  Capital Programme 2015/16 to 2018/19.



(c)  Budget for the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Business Plan)




(d)  Treasury Management Strategy and Treasury Policy



and to present the Council Tax Resolution                                (to follow)

(this information will be provided following receipt of the Police Precept, which will be known on 19 February 2015.)



Note: The papers for (a) (b) (c) and (d) above may be seen at the following link:





The Council considered recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on 10 February 2015 seeking approval of the proposed Medium Term Financial Plan and Revenue Budget for 2015/16.


In his introduction, the Deputy Leader drew attention to external factors which influenced the proposed budget and the financial challenges faced by local authorities.  He referred to the significant social and economic drivers of change within Central Bedfordshire across the medium term and beyond. .He commented that the budget had to be sustainable, affordable and support the Council’s priorities.  He was pleased to confirm that the proposed budget entailed no increase in the Council’s element of the Council Tax.  He also commented that the financial position of the Housing Revenue Account was positive and would enable the Council to achieve the ambitions contained in its Housing Management Strategy.


The Deputy Leader referred to the proposed Capital Programme 2015/16 to 2018/19, which included significant projects across all services, including new school places, constructing dual carriageways on the A421 between junction 13 of the M1 and Magna Park, Milton Keynes and the Woodside Link.


The Leaders of the Independent and the Liberal Democrat Groups commented on the proposed budget.


Councillor Dr Egan proposed an amendment to recommendation 1 as follows:


“That the Revenue Budget for 2015/16 and the Medium Financial Plan for 2015/16 to 2018/19 be approved, subject to the addition of a provision to take £5000 out of reserves to fund the removal of the concrete play area in Kirton Way, Houghton Regis.”


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was lost.




1.      that the Revenue Budget for 2015/16 and the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2015/16 to 2018/19 be approved;


2.      that the Fees and Charges relating to the Care Act Deferred Payment Scheme, as detailed at paragraphs 90-92 in the Executive report, be approved; and


3.      that a Band D Council Tax (CBC element) of £1,308.33 for residents of Central Bedfordshire, representing a 0% increase on the charge for 2014/2015 be approved.


In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England)(Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote was taken.




Those in favour of the resolutions were:


Councillors Aldis, Barker, Bastable, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Chapman, Clark, Clarke, Coleman, Collins, Costin, Dalgarno, Dodwell, Drinkwater, Duckett, Gomm, Goodchild, Graham, Gurney, Hegley, Hollick, Hopkin, Jamieson, Janes, M Jones, Maudlin, McVicar, Mustoe, Pepworth, B Saunders, Sparrow, Spurr, Stay, A Turner, P Turner, Versallion, Warren, Wells, Wenham, Williams and Young.


Those against the Resolutions were:


Councillors D Jones, Egan, Murray, Smith and Zerny


Those who abstained from voting were:


Councillor Shingler.


(Councillors Johnstone and Nicols left the meeting prior to the vote being taken)


(b) Capital Programme 2015/16 to 2018/19


The Council considered the recommendations from a meeting of the Executive held on 10 February 2015 in respect of the proposed Capital Programme for 2015/16 to 2018/19.




that the Capital Programme for 2015/16 to 2018/19 be approved.


In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England)(Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote was taken.


Those in favour of the resolution were:


Councillors Aldis, Barker, Bastable, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Chapman, Clark, Clarke, Coleman, Collins, Costin, Dalgarno, Dodwell, Drinkwater, Duckett,, Egan Gomm, Goodchild, Graham, Gurney, Hegley, Hollick, Hopkin, Jamieson, Janes,  D Jones, M Jones, Maudlin, McVicar, Murray, Mustoe, Pepworth, B Saunders, Shingler, Smith Sparrow, Spurr, Stay, A Turner, P Turner, Versallion, Warren, Wells, Wenham, Williams,Young and Zerny.


No Councillors voted against the resolutions.


No Councillors abstained from voting.





(c) Budget for the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Business Plan)


Councillor Dr Egan left the meeting prior to the detailed debate on this item, in view of her declaration of interest recorded at minute C/14/76.


The Council considered the recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on 10 February 2015 in respect of the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Business Plan).


Councillor Murray proposed an amendment to recommendation 7 as follows:


“that the average rent increase of 2.20% for 2015/16 in line with the national rental increase as per Government guidance be approved with the exception of sheltered housing or mini group self funding tenants who are over 65 and paying above 60% of market”


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was lost.




1.      that the HRA’s debt portfolio and interest payments due in 2014/2015 be noted;


2.      that the intention to commence principal debt repayments from 2017/18, as approved previously by Council in February 2014, be noted;


3.      that the Landlord Business Investment Plan, which proposes HRA investment throughout the Council area, be approved;


4.      that the development of the Independent Living Scheme in Houghton Regis, to enable the creation of a high quality, mixed tenure development that will incorporate approximately 170 homes for older people, as well as strengthening the retail and community offer for the Town Centre, be approved;


5.      that the HRA Revenue Budget for 2015/16 and the Landlord Business Plan summary at Appendix A and B be approved;


6.      that the 2015/16 to 2018/19 HRA Capital Programme set out at Appendix C to the Executive report be approved; and


7.      that the average rent increase of 2.20% for 2015/16 in line with the national rental increase as per Government guidance be approved.


In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England)(Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote was taken.




Those in favour of the resolutions were:


Councillors Aldis, Barker, Bastable, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Chapman, Clark, Clarke, Collins, Costin, Dalgarno, Dodwell, Drinkwater, Duckett, Gomm, Goodchild, Graham, Gurney, Hegley, Hollick, Hopkin, Jamieson, Janes, D Jones, M Jones, Maudlin, Mc Vicar, Murray, Mustoe, Pepworth,, B Saunders, Shingler, Smith, Sparrow, Spurr, Stay, A Turner, P Turner, Versallion, Warren, Wells, Wenham, Williams, Young and Zerney.


No Councillors voted against the resolution.


Councillor Coleman abstained from voting.


(d) Treasury Management Strategy and Treasury policy


The Council then considered the recommendation from the meeting of the Executive held on 10 March 2015 in respect of the Treasury Management Strategy and Treasury Policy.




that the Treasury Management Policy, Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators for 2015/16 be approved.



(e) Council Tax Resolution


The Council considered the recommendation in respect of the Council Tax Resolution as set out at Appendix A  to the report now submitted.




1.         to approve the Council Tax Resolution set out in Appendix A (i).


2.         to approve the substitute Council Tax Resolution set out in Appendix A (ii), in the event of a NO vote by the local electorate in the Council Tax Referendum on 7 May 2015, in respect of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s precept.


In accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England)(Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote was taken.









Those in favour of the resolutions were:


Councillors Aldis, Barker, Bastable, Berry, Blair, Bowater, Brown, Chapman, Clark, Clarke, Coleman, Collins, Costin, Dalgarno, Dodwell, Drinkwater, Duckett, Gomm, Goodchild, Graham, Gurney, Hegley, Hollick, Hopkin, Jamieson, Janes, M Jones, Maudlin, McVicar, Murray, Mustoe, Pepworth, B Saunders, Shingler, Smith, Sparrow, Spurr, Stay, A Turner, P Turner, Versallion, Warren, wells, Wenham, Williams, Young and Zerny.


Councillor Dr Egan voted against the resolution.


Councillor D Jones abstained from voting.





Supporting documents: