Agenda item

Agenda item

Provisional Outturn Budget Monitoring Report - March 2017 Revenue, Capital and Housing Revenue Account (subject to audit)


To receive and scrutinise the Provisional Outturn 2016/17 Budget Monitoring Report on all areas of Council Business.


(a)  Outturn Revenue Budget Monitoring

(b)  Outturn Capital Budget Monitoring

(c)  Outturn HRA Budget Monitoring




In light of their previous recommendations, the Head of Knowledge and Insight advised the Committee that :-


           Social Care Health and Housing OSC had received a report on Homelessness at their June meeting.  Regular reports on the implementation of proposals and budgetary implications to deal with the rising number of homelessness cases would be considered by the Committee.

           Budget pressures relating to the Schools Capital Budget had been considered by Children’s Services OSC who recommended that the Executive increase the pupil yield factor so to secure additional funding for education from developers.


The Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Corporate Resources reported a good Budget outturn.  It was also reported that a further unused contingency of £2.1m would be invested in Highways and the Digitisation of Council Services.


A good outturn had also been achieved on the Capital Budget and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and the Committee extended its thanks to the Director and his staff.


Noted the update and agreed that Members be advised of the date for considering the All Age Skills Strategy in the future.


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