Agenda item

Agenda item

Planning Application No. CB/17/02682/REG3


Address:       Kennell Farm, Saxon Drive, Biggleswade, SG18 8UT


Change of use of agricultural land to a Travelling Showpeople Site to create 4 plots, each plot accommodating the following: - 2 x mobile homes/chalets; - 4 x caravans; - 1 x workshop; - 4-6 trailer parking spaces; - 4 x car parking spaces.


Applicant:     CBC Assets





The Committee considered a report regarding Planning Application No. CB/17/02682/REG3 for a change of use of agricultural land to a Travelling Showpeople site to create four plots, each plot accommodating the following: - 2 x mobile homes/chalets; - 4 x caravans; - 1 x workshop; - 4-6 trailer parking spaces; - 4 x car parking spaces at Kennel Farm, Saxon Drive, Biggleswade, SG18 8UT.


In advance of consideration of the application the Committee’s attention was drawn to additional consultation/publicity responses, additional comments and additional conditions as set out in the Late Sheet.  The planning officer advised that, in addition, recommended condition 9 should be amended to state that the vehicular access should be surfaced in an approved material for its entire length and not for a minimum distance of 25.0m into the site.


In advance of consideration of the application the Committee received representations from Biggleswade Town Council, an objector and the applicant’s agent under the public participation scheme.  In response to a comment from the Town Council that the application was premature because the Local Plan was not yet in place the Chairman stated that the application was before the Committee and therefore required determination.


Clarification on some of the points raised by the public speakers was sought by Members.  In particular information was sought with regard to the Town Council’s request that all operational restrictions placed on the nearby industrial units should also apply to the Travelling Showpeople site and to the Town Council’s comments that a large number of local members of the public were of the opinion that the proposed location was unsuitable due to its proximity to existing properties. The Town Council representative felt unable to respond to a query as to whether the proposed site was more unsuitable than the Travelling Showpeople’s current site within the town centre.


A ward Member commented that the site had originally been proposed by the Town Council as a site for Travelling Showpeople some 10 years ago.  He indicated both his own and another Biggleswade ward Member’s continued full support for the site to be used for this purpose and for the application before the Committee.


A Biggleswade ward Member stated that no complaints had been received about the Travelling Showpeople current site near Franklins Mill in Biggleswade town centre.  The community had lived in Biggleswade for at least 100 years and had not caused any problems.  The Member commented that the need to protect the ancient heritage asset should not outweigh the requirement to meet the needs of the living.  She added that the site would not be for a showground but for accommodation.


The Committee considered the application and in summary discussed the following:


·         Concern regarding the scale and height of the proposed workshop building.  The planning officer confirmed that the building was 7 metres high but the site was sloped and, as a result, the height would be approximately the same as the existing commercial units to the east of the site.  Although there would be a visual impact it was not regarded as significantly harmful.

·         An operational restriction in line with that imposed on the nearby Stratton Business Park industrial area.  It was noted that the Park was subject to a Local Development Order and there were no restrictions on the Park’s hours of operation, with the exception of one unit, in order to encourage economic growth.

·         The Council’s archaeologist request for a condition to protect the scheduled ancient monument in contrast to the submission of an objection to the application by Historic England.  In addition the setting had already been effected by the presence of a dwelling within the monument site and the nearby park homes and industrial area.

·         The loss of grade 2 agricultural land set against the relative lack of brown field land to use instead.  The loss of agricultural land was also balanced against the established need to meet a shortfall in Travelling Showpeople sites.

·         That there were more suitable locations and the site was not designated in the Local Plan.  The Chairman advised that these were not issues for the Committee.  Its function was to determine the application before it in accordance with national and local policies.

·         Harm to the amenity of neighbours would be mitigated by a condition limiting the hours of operation.  It was noted that the proposed condition on the Late Sheet would need to be amended to prevent works on machinery before 8.00 a.m. on Sundays and Bank Holidays.  A condition could be added to control the hours that lighting was permitted.

·         The original public consultation on the application met legislative requirements but, following comment from a member of the public, it had been acknowledged that the application was of a contentious nature and there was substantial public interest.  A fuller reconsultation had therefore taken place.

·         A Member’s request that further discussion take place with Historic England to ensure that the Council was seen to be taking full account of its concerns given the former’s apparently inconsistent approach in its responses adopted to the application and the previous application (minute DM/17/   refers) by that body.  The planning officer placed the Historic England response in context and commented that the setting of the monument site had already been significantly affected by earlier developments.

·         Comments by a Member to the presence of a Travelling Showpeople’s site in his own ward, the little disturbance that was generated and how they cultivated a good relationship with local residents.

·         The confusion between the Travelling Showpeople and Gypsy and Traveller communities which had been exacerbated by an incorrect reference in the officer’s original report.

·         Comments by a Member on the impact of the existing industrial development on the top of the hill on the openness of the area, his viewpoint that the Travelling Showpeople’s site was an extension of this, the need for fully appropriate landscaping and screening and his suggested use of LED lighting in order to minimise light pollution.


On being put to the vote 10 Members for approval, 0 against and 2 abstained.




that Planning Application No. CB/17/02682/REG3 relating to Kennel Farm, Saxon Drive, Biggleswade, SG18 8UT be approved as set out in the Schedule attached to these minutes.




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