Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Proposals for Commissioning of New School Places for Implementation in September 2015

17/05/2013 - Commissioning New School Places for implementation from September 2015

1.      That the commencement of informal consultation and the publication of statutory notices for the proposal to expand Russell Lower School, Ampthill from its current capacity of 300 places to provide a total of 450 places with an implementation date of September 2015 be supported.  That the school be invited to prepare a business case, the outcome of which will be subject to approval by the Council’s Executive in its final determination in December 2013.

2.      That the commencement of informal consultation and the publication of statutory notices by the School’s Governing Body for the proposal to expand St Andrews CofE VC Lower, Biggleswade from its current capacity of 450 places to provide a total of 750 places across two sites  with an implementation date of September 2015 be supported.  That the school be invited to prepare a business case, the outcome of which will be subject to approval by the Council’s Executive in its final determination in December 2013.

3.      That the Academy of Holywell Middle School be invited to prepare a business case, the outcome of which will be subject to approval by the Council’s Executive in December 2013 and to undertake consultation and approval processes required as an Academy by the Education Funding Agency to expand from its current capacity of 544 places to provide 720 places with an implementation date of September 2015.

4.      That the Academy of Cranfield Lower School be invited to prepare a business case, the outcome of which will be subject to approval by the Council’s Executive in December 2013 and to undertake consultation and approval processes required as an Academy by the Education Funding Agency to expand from its current capacity of 300 places to provide 450 places across two sites with an implementation date of September 2015.

5.      That the academy of St Marys Lower School be invited to prepare a business case, the outcome of which will be subject to approval by the Council’s Executive in December 2013 for commencement of the proposed expenditure as outlined in the New School Places Programme, attached at Appendix A to the report, to expand from its current capacity of 225 places to provide 300 places with an implementation date of September 2015.

6.      That the detailed capital business case attached at Appendix B to the report and the proposals of Bedfordshire East Multi Academy Trust to:

(a)    expand the Academy of Robert Bloomfield Middle School to provide 840 permanent places with an implementation date of September 2015; and

(b)    expand Etonbury Academy from its current capacity of 480 places to provide a total of 600 middle schools places and a further 300 places to serve the upper school age range with an implementation date of September 2014 be approved.

         Thereby approving the commencement of the projects and related expenditure, subject to Education Funding Agency approval of the Etonbury Academy proposal and the granting of relevant Planning permissions.

7.      That the detailed capital business case attached at Appendix C to the report, and the commencement of the proposed expenditure as outlined in the New School Places Programme attached at Appendix A to the report, to expand Vandyke Upper School be approved.