Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Revenue, Capital and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Quarter 1 Budget Monitor Reports

26/09/2013 - Quarter 1, June 2013/14 Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report

1.      The Revenue forecast position of a balanced budget with a contribution to Housing Revenue Account Reserves of £6.661m be noted, thus strengthening the Council’s ability to invest and improve its stock of Council Houses.

2.      The Capital forecast position indicating expenditure will be £1.291m less than the budget, be noted.  This is due to lower than anticipated expenditure on the Dukeminster project.

3.      That Right to Buy sales will be monitored for the possible impact on predicted surpluses in the medium to longer term.

26/09/2013 - 2013 Quarter 1 Capital Budget Monitoring Report

1.      To note that the projected outturn position is a gross underspend of £1.5m.

2.      To defer expenditure of £5.4m to 2014/15.

3.      To request officers to continue with their efforts to maximise the use of capital resources.


26/09/2013 - 2013 Quarter 1 Revenue Budget Monitoring Report

1.      That the Revenue forecast position is noted as a projected overspend of £2.1M.

2.      That officers continue with their efforts to achieve a minimum balanced outturn or an underspend.