Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Revenue, Capital and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Quarter 3 Budget Monitoring Reports

20/03/2014 - December 2013/14 (Q3) Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring Revenue and Capital Report

1.         That the Revenue forecast position be approved to achieve a balanced budget with a contribution to Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Reserves of £7.282m, thus strengthening the Council’s ability to invest and improve its stock of Council houses.

2.         That a year end spend of £3.120m be anticipated for the HRA capital programme, £2.125m of which relates to lower         than budgeted spend on Priory View.  At the current time it is predicted that £2.000m will be spent on Priory View from the Extra Care Development Reserve.  It is proposed that the underspend on Priory View will be carried forward as slippage to spend in the next financial year.

3.         That Right to Buy sales will be monitored for the possible impact on predicted surpluses in the medium to longer term.

20/03/2014 - December 2013 - Quarter 3 Capital Budget Monitoring Report

1.      That the overall forecast position to spend £73.7m compared to the budget of £94.6m be noted.  This is a variance of £20.9m as a result of an overspend of £4.4m and the proposed deferred spend to 2014/15 of £25.3m.

2.      To request officers to carefully examine their forecast spend to determine how realistic the proposals to defer spend into 2014/15 are.

20/03/2014 - December 2013 - Quarter 3 Revenue Budget Monitoring Report

1.      That the Revenue forecast position which is currently to overspend the budget by £0.4m be noted.

2.      To request officers to continue with their efforts to achieve a minimum balanced outturn or an underspend.