Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Budget for the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Service) Business Plan

11/02/2016 - Budget for the Housing Revenue Account (Landlord Business Plan)


That the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget proposals for 2016/17 be approved, as follows:

1.      that the recent legislative changes relating to Housing Finance and their impact on the Landlord Business Plan, be noted;

2.      that the HRA’s debt portfolio and interest payments due in 2015/16, be noted;

3.      that the intention to commence principal debt repayments from 2017/18, as approved previously by Council in February 2015, be noted;

4.      that the Landlord Business Investment Plan, which proposes HRA investment throughout the Council area, be approved;

5.      that the HRA Revenue Budget for 2016/17 and the Landlord Business Plan summary at Appendix A and B to the Executive report, be approved;

6.      that the 2016/17 to 2019/20 HRA Capital Programme at Appendix C to the Executive report, be approved;

7.      that the average rent decrease of 1% for 2016/17 in line with the national rental decrease, as per Government legislation, be approved; and

8.      that an average rent increase of 0.9% for supported housing tenants, be approved.