Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

The Future of Greenacre Older Persons Home: Outcome of Consultation and Recommendations

11/02/2016 - The Future of Greenacre Older Persons Home and Day Centre

1.      That the outcome of the consultations on the future of Greenacre Older Persons Home and Greenacre Day Centre be noted.

2.      That the closure of Greenacre Older Persons Home and cessation of services at Greenacre Day Centre, based on the matters set out in the report, its appendices and background papers, be approved.

3.      To authorise the Director of Social Care, Health and Housing to determine the date of closure of the Greenacre Older Persons Home, taking into consideration the assessed eligible care and support needs of residents of the home along with relevant operational matters.

4.      To authorise the Director of Social Care, Health and Housing to determine the date of cessation of the provision of service at Greenacre Day Centre, taking into consideration the assessed eligible care and support needs of the day centre users and their carers along with relevant operational matters.

5.      To authorise the Director of Social Care, Health and Housing to undertake the processes set out in paragraphs 89 to 91 in the report and to determine the location of the replacement day service.

6.      To authorise the Director of Social Care, Health and Housing to commence the processes, set out in paragraphs 92 to 95 in the report, to determine the future of the ‘Step Up  Step Down’ residential reablement service.

7.      That the commencement of the processes, set out in paragraphs 104 to 106 in the report, in relation to the staff employed at Greenacre Older Persons Home, Day Centre and ‘Step Up Step Down’ unit be approved.