Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Proposed Establishment of Shared Service Arrangement for Provision of In-House Legal Services for CBC.

04/12/2015 - Shared Legal Services


1.      That the content of the report and its Appendices including the proposal to deliver £240k savings in the service area in 2016/17 financial year be noted.

2.      That the establishment of a shared services arrangement with another local authority(s) for the provision of legal services for CBC, involving the potential TUPE transfer of CBC staff to a separate legal vehicle subject to the necessary staff consultation process being undertaken, be approved in principle.         

3.      To authorise the Director of Improvement and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Corporate Resources to:-

(a)     devise and undertake a process for selection of a suitable partner for CBC for the purpose of establishing a shared service;

(b)     agree the terms on which CBC shall enter into the shared service arrangement with the partner; and

(c)     sign off any relevant agreements to formalise the arrangement.


to authorise the delegation of CBC legal services functions to a shared services provider in order to facilitate a shared legal service arrangement.