Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Revenue MTFP

11/02/2016 - Budget 2016/17 and Medium Term Financial Plan


1.         That the response to consultation with Overview and Scrutiny, as set out in Appendix K to the Executive report, and the response to consultation with the public and stakeholders, as set out in Appendix A to the Executive report, be noted.

2.         That the Council Tax Base as set out in Appendix G to the Executive report, be noted.

3.         That certain efficiency proposals identified in Appendix I to the Executive report be noted, as they will be subject to formal consultation and Equality Impact Assessment in the coming months.  If, following a review of the outcome of the consultations and Equality Impact Assessments any of the specific proposals cannot be delivered, the Corporate Management Team be instructed to propose alternative compensatory savings.

4.         That the additional transitional funding be noted.

5.         That Officers be instructed to make any necessary detailed changes, in consultation with the Executive Member for Corporate Resources, to the budget allocations, as set out in the detailed appendices to the report, as a consequence of the late amendment, for final presentation to Council.


1.         That the Revenue Budget for 2016/17 and the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2016/17 to 2019/20 be approved.

2.         That in line with Government guidance, the following increases in council tax (CBC element) for residents of Central Bedfordshire be approved:

(a)       a Band D increase of £25.51, representing a 1.95% increase on the charge for 2015/16; and

(b)       a Band D increase of £26.17, representing a 2.0% increase on the charge for 2015/16, reflecting a precept of this amount to help fund adult social care costs.

In total the Band D increase will be £51.68, representing a 3.95% increase in the charge for 2015/16.  The CBC element of Band D council tax for 2016/17 will therefore be £1,360.01.