Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Period 3 (Quarter 1) – 2016/17 Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring

13/10/2016 - June Quarter 1 Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring

1.      To note that the revenue forecast position is to achieve a balanced budget with a contribution to HRA Reserves of £5.346M, thus strengthening the Council’s ability to invest and improve its stock of Council Houses.

2.      To note that the capital budget is £15.589M (including £4.280M deferred from 2015/16) and that the forecast position indicates a new outturn of £12.250M, below budget by £3.399M.  It is proposed that this £3.339M of future investment works are deferred to 2017/18.

3.      To note that Right to Buy (RtB) sales will be monitored for the possible impact on predicted surpluses in the medium to longer term.