Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Market Town Regeneration Fund

09/06/2016 - Market Town Regeneration Fund

1.      That the progress on the Market Town Regeneration Fund (MTRF) programme and MTRF Assessment Panel recommendations be noted.

2.      That funding agreements be entered into with eight Town Councils (Ampthill, Dunstable, Flitwick, Houghton Regis, Leighton Linslade, Potton, Sandy and Shefford), to enable the MTRF scheme to commence and projects to begin delivery.

3.      That a new £1M High Street Improvement Scheme be developed by Central Bedfordshire Council as part of the MTRF programme and delivered by the Town Councils.

4.      To authorise the Director of Regeneration and Business, in consultation with the Executive Members for Regeneration and Corporate Resources, to make decisions on individual awards under the High Street Improvement Scheme.

5.      To authorise the Director of Regeneration and Business, in consultation with the Executive Members for Regeneration and Corporate Resources, to re-allocate funding within the MTRF to effectively manage programme spend.