Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Provisional Capital Outturn Report 2016/17 (subject to audit)

22/06/2017 - March 2017 Capital Budget Monitoring Provisional Outturn Report (subject to audit)


1.         That the capital gross provisional outturn position, which is a spend of £98.7M (£94.2M in 2016/17) be noted, demonstrating the continued significant capital investment made by Central Bedfordshire to support its community.

2.         That the net overspends between £150K and £500K be approved. Only two schemes were over budget by this amount – a) New Highways Contract Mobilisation in Community Services £0.219M (see paragraph 59 in Appendix A to the report) and b) Information Assets £0.329M (see paragraph 96 in Appendix A to the report).

3.         That the proposed gross deferred spend of £41.6M (£22.6M net) from 2016/17 to 2017/18, as detailed at Appendix B to the report, be noted. This was approved by the Leader, Deputy Leader, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Resources under a delegated authority given by the Executive on 4 April 2017 due to the accelerated timescale for the accounts closure.


1.         That the net overspend on the following items be approved:

·                Woodside Link £8.01M (see paragraph 55 in Appendix A to the report);

·                New Schools Places £2.32M (see paragraph 21 in Appendix A to the report); and

·                Stratton Park Infrastructure Works £0.70M (see paragraph 37 in Appendix A to the report).