Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Executive's Response to the Voluntary and Community Sector Task Force Funding Review

07/02/2019 - Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure Funding Review – Executive Response

1.      That the response of the Executive to the scrutiny task force recommendations contained at Appendix 1 be approved.

2.      To note that in parallel with the review of funding for the three Voluntary and Community Sector infrastructure organisations, £69,000 has been included in the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2019/20.

3.      That the Scrutiny task force recommendation that a second phase of the review be undertaken, be approved.

4.      That the second phase be sponsored by the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Corporate Resources, in place of a scrutiny task force.

5.      To request officers to prepare a Project Implementation Document (PID) to scope the parameters of the review, outline the timescale for completion and the resources and capacity required to undertake the review and set out a realistic timeframe for preparation of the PID.

6.      That the Director of Children’s Services be authorised, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Corporate Resources, to approve the PID ensuring the Council’s relationship with the entire Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) is in scope, exploring how the sector supports the delivery of the Council’s statutory obligations, where there is leverage of external resources and grant income and where greater clarity might be required to ensure the sector can adapt to changing needs and future challenges.

7.      That the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Corporate Resources be asked to nominate two Executive Members, and in consultation with the Chair of Corporate Resources OSC, two non-Executive Members to participate in the Phase 2 Review.