Agenda, decisions and minutes

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 2, The District Offices, High Street North, Dunstable

Contact: Kathrin John  01462 611033

No. Item



To approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting of the Shadow Executive held on 10 April 2008.

 (previously circulated)




that the Minutes of the meeting of the Shadow Executive held on 10 April 2008 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.



To receive from Members declarations and the nature thereof in relation to:-




Personal Interests in any Agenda item




Personal and Prejudicial Interests in any Agenda item



Personal Interests:-






Personal and Prejudicial Interests:-







To consider proposals, if any, to deal with any item likely to involve disclosure of exempt information as defined in the relevant paragraph(s) of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 prior to the exclusion of the press and public.





(To work towards a vision and priorities for the new authority developed in consultation with stakeholders that will establish what the area and the Council should look like in the future and in order to guide detailed business planning. (Report of Interim Chief Executive) (Contact Officer: Jaki Salisbury Tel: 01462 611004 and Jon Ruddick Tel: 0845 849 6147))

Additional documents:


  1. that, subject to 2 below, the interim vision and emerging priorities set out in the report of the Interim Chief Executive now submitted, be approved.
  2. that a report back on the vision and priorities for Central Bedfordshire which addresses the need to refer to meeting the challenges posed by the ageing population and other comments raised by the Shadow Executive, be submitted to the meeting to be held on 5 August 2008.


The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Interim Chief Executive, which sought Members’ approval of the interim vision and priorities for the new authority developed in consultation with stakeholders which would guide detailed business planning for the area and the Council.


Members were advised that the Central Bedfordshire Implementation Team (CBIT) had met and considered the report.  The feedback from this meeting was that the organisations involved in CBIT had shown interest in partnership working.  Members emphasised that there was a need for significant partnership working especially in areas such as reducing the fear of crime.


Members discussed the suggested emerging priorities.  In response to comments regarding the priority areas listed under “Raising the aspirations of children and young people” in Appendix C and, in particular concerns, as to the appropriateness of including “improving victim engagement in restorative justice”, it was clarified that the Appendix to the report had been taken from the Countywide Community Strategy and the Bedfordshire Local Area Agreement.  Members highlighted the need to address the challenges posed by the ageing population and agreed that these would be addressed in the vision and priorities for Central Bedfordshire that would be submitted to the Shadow Executive at their meeting on 5 August 2008.


Reason for decision:  To make progress towards establishing a long term vision statement and priorities shared by all major partners in Central Bedfordshire that will guide more detailed business planning.




1.                  that, subject to 2 below, the interim vision and emerging priorities set out in the report of the Interim Chief Executive now submitted, be approved;


2.                  that a report back on the vision and priorities for Central Bedfordshire which addresses the need to refer to meeting the challenges posed by the ageing population and other comments raised by the Shadow Executive, be submitted to the meeting to be held on 5 August 2008.



(To establish the key milestones to guide the transition implementation programme together with currently identified risks to achieving the programme. (Report of Officer Programme Board) (Contact Officer: Simon Redmore  Tel: 01462 611255))


Please note that Appendix A is available in size A3 upon request.

Additional documents:


  1. that the Implementation Plan, as set out in Appendix “A” to the report of the Interim Chief Executive now submitted, be adopted and kept under review.
  2. that the Risk Log at Appendix “B” to the report, be adopted and kept under review.


The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Officer Programme Board that sought to establish the key milestones guiding the transition implementation programme and to document the risks to achieving it.  The Implementation Plan and Risk Log would both be key control documents during the transition.  The Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Government Office had received copies of both documents, which had been discussed with DCLG officials.


Members’ attention was brought to the five milestones that were behind schedule and the current position on them was:



Line 5 – Vision and Priorities – this milestone had been delayed, as the first Compass workshop had not provided detailed information on priorities.  This milestone was now back on track as it had been suggested and approved at minute no. SE/07/9 that the interim vision would be as set out in the December 2007 submission.


Line 17 – Comprehensive Records – All web based information would be uploaded by the 13 June 2008 with the exclusion of personalised Human Resources information which was subject to further discussion with Bedfordshire County Council


Line 23 – Project Initiation Documents (PIDs) – The PIDs were due to be completed by the end of June 2008.


Line 37 – Communication Strategy – The Interim Strategy was being considered by the Officer Programme Board on 11 June 2008.


Line 62 – Staffing Regulations – The final Regulations had been received and would become active from 28 June 2008.


It was noted that the Compass workshop held on 6 June 2008 had identified the need to include an additional milestone in the Implementation Plan relating to early consultation on the 09/10 Budget.


Portfolio Holders, TTF Chairmen and the Officer Programme Board were due to meet on 11 June 2008 to review the governance structure. Time was a scarce commodity and had to be used in the most effective way in planning for Central Bedfordshire. 


Joint working between the constituent authorities was progressing in a satisfactory manner subject to some points of detail which still had to be resolved.


Members queried the priority given to each risk and were advised that these were scored between 1 – 9 with a low, medium and high impact and likelihood score.  The current focus was on those risks with a high residual score.  The Officer Programme Board would be considering the risks on a monthly basis.


Reason for decision:  To comply with the requirement of the Implementation Order to prepare an Implementation Plan, identify risks and opportunities associated with the plan, and provide the basis for monitoring progress.




1.                   that the Implementation Plan, as set out at Appendix “A” to the report of the Officer Programme Board now submitted, be adopted and kept under review.


2.                   that the Risk Log at Appendix “B” to the report, be adopted and kept under review.



(To report on proposals regarding services that should be provided on a shared basis between Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough or those services for which shared delivery does not seem appropriate, and services for which further work is required. (Report of Officer Programme Board) (Contact Officer: Simon Redmore  Tel: 01462 611255))

Additional documents:


  1. that the proposed way forward for service delivery as set out in respect of each service listed in Appendix “A” of the report of the Officer Programme Board now submitted, be approved.
  2. that, where further work is required, authority to determine the way forward be delegated to the Interim Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader, relevant Portfolio Holder and the Lead Member of the relevant Transitional Task Force.


The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Officer Programme Board that proposed which services should be provided on a shared basis between Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough, those where shared delivery was considered inappropriate, and those in respect of which further work was required.  A suggested way forward for service delivery was set out in respect of each service listed in Appendix “A” to the report.  Bedford Borough Council had been carrying out a similar process and their Implementation Executive had considered shared services on 2 June 2008.


The Services had been considered and separated into five categories:


·              services to be shared

·              hybrid – some aspects to be shared

·              services not to be shared

·              further work needed

·              transitional arrangements needed.


Members expressed the need for further work to be carried out and noted that it might not be possible to disaggregate all services by 1 April 2009.  In particular, reference was made to the perceived need for further work to be  undertaken in areas such as school transport, fostering and adoption and the pension fund.  In response, the Chairman indicated that the proposals were not “set in stone” and that there was scope for further review by Officers and the relevant Portfolio Holder, as appropriate.


It was noted that the governance arrangements for non-disaggregated services would also be reviewed.  Additionally, Members commented on the perceived desirability of partnership working with other local authorities/organisations.


To enable these further reviews to be carried out, the Shadow Executive was requested to delegate authority to the Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader and the relevant Portfolio Holder, to determine the way forward.  Members also agreed that the consultation should also include the Lead Member of the relevant Transitional Task Force.


There needed to be a smooth transition of disaggregating the services from the old authorities to the new authority with residents not being able to notice that there had been any changes.


Reason for decision:  To enable Officers to develop draft business plans for Central Bedfordshire and draw up budget proposals based on an understanding of which services Central Bedfordshire would be providing itself and which it would buy-in from elsewhere.




1.                   that the proposed way forward for service delivery as set out in respect of each service listed in Appendix “A” of the report of the Officer Programme Board now submitted, be approved.


2.         that, where further work is required, authority to determine the way forward be delegated to the Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader, relevant Portfolio Holder and the Lead Member of the relevant Transitional Task Force.




(To consider the proposed Management Structure and Recruitment Process and associated Interim Management Issues for Central Bedfordshire. (Report of the Leader, Deputy Leader and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder) (Contact Officer: Martin Williams Tel: 01462 611604))

Additional documents:


  1. that the proposed management structure, as set out at Appendix “A” to the report of the Leader, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources now submitted, be approved subject to:-

(a)  there being five Directors as follows:

·        Director of Business Transformation

·        Director of Corporate Resources (Section 151 Officer)

·        Director of Children, Families and Learning

·        Director of Social Care, Health and Housing

·        Director of Sustainable Communities (to incorporate Safer and Stronger Communities)

(b)  the deletion of the post of Assistant Chief Executive Human Resources and incorporation of the function of Human Resources in the Directorate of Corporate Resources; and

(c)   the deletion of the post of Deputy Chief Executive and incorporation of the functions of Business Transformation, Policy and Performance, Communication and Customer Service in the Directorate of Business Transformation.

  1. that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to designate a post as Deputy Chief Executive, if considered necessary.
  2. that the posts be advertised, wherever possible, as permanent contracts.
  3. that the post of Chief Executive be advertised early in 2009 with a view to having a shortlist of candidates immediately available for the new Council to consider following the local elections in May or June 2009.
  4. that the three statutory officer posts be advertised externally with immediate effect.
  5. that the other Senior Management posts referred to in 1(a) above be subject to an internal ring fence advertisement within the three constituent Councils in the first instance.
  6. that the salary ranges proposed by Tribal Resourcing in their report and as set out in paragraph 14 of the report now submitted, be approved.
  7. that the Terms and Conditions for Chief Officers in Central Bedfordshire set out in paragraph 19 of the report, be approved.
  8. that the Interim Head of Staff, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader and appropriate Portfolio Holders, be authorised to vary the structure at Head of Service level to meet the needs of the emerging authority.
  9. that the Interim Head of Staff request the three constituent Councils to submit recommendations for additional payments to Officers in recognition of their contribution to the Transition process and be authorised to approve such payments from the transition fund; and
  10. that the Leader, after consultation with the Deputy Leader, Resources Portfolio Holder and Interim Chief Finance Officer, be authorised to make appropriate arrangements, including additional payments, to the Interim Head of Paid Service and the Interim Deputy Head of Paid Service in line with advice from Tribal Resourcing.


The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Leader, Deputy Leader and Corporate Resources Portfolio Holder on the management structure, recruitment process and associated interim management issues in respect of Central Bedfordshire.  Members’ attention was drawn to the amendment to the financial implications, which should have read ‘as set out in the Structure Options paper and paragraphs 2a, 2b and 23 of the report’.


The management structure had been through a consultation process and Officers had received 18 responses including that from the Corporate Resources Transitional Task Force (a copy of which had been circulated to the Shadow Executive). 


With regard to recommendation (1), Members discussed the structure of five Directors proposed at Appendix “A” and the rationale for having two Directors to cover Sustainable Development and Safer and Stronger Communities.  On a vote, it was agreed that the two Director posts should be merged to become a single post of Director of Sustainable Communities.


Members also discussed the proposed post of Assistant Chief Executive Human Resources and whether it should sit outside the directorate structure.  It was agreed that while Human Resources was an important service especially through the transition period, it did not warrant the creation of a separate post, and should be contained within the Corporate Resources directorate. 


The option of the Chief Executive/Directors being recruited on fixed-term contracts or on a permanent basis was discussed.  Members expressed the view that the Directors should be employed on a permanent basis to demonstrate that the authority had confidence in its Officers. 


Members considered that the role of Deputy Chief Executive could be allocated to any one of the Directors and only if the Chief Executive felt it was necessary.  Members agreed that the functions under this directorate should be incorporated under a new post of Director of Business Transformation.


The Chairman adjourned the meeting for a five minute break.


The Interim Chief Executive of the shadow authority and the Interim Chief Executive of Bedfordshire County Council were not present during the discussion on the timing of the recruitment of the Chief Executive’s post.


With regard to recommendations (2) and (3), Members discussed the two options for the recruitment of the Chief Executive’s post, namely (a) to advertise the post immediately or (b) to advertise it early in 2009 with a view to having a shortlist of candidates immediately available for the new Council to consider in May or June 2009.  Members expressed various views on the timing of the advertisement.  On a vote, it was agreed that the post should be advertised early in 2009 to enable the new Council to appoint the Chief Executive following the elections in 2009. 


Reason for decision:  Following the undertaking of consultation, to approve the proposed management structure for Central Bedfordshire, to determine the proposed recruitment process for senior management posts and put in place a mechanism for dealing with associated interim management issues.




1.                  that the proposed management structure, as set out at Appendix “A” to the report of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.



(To inform the Shadow Executive of a Direction made under S24 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 for the control of disposals, contracts and reserves and the Consents granted. (Report of the Interim Monitoring Officer) (Contact Officer: Sue Lyons  Tel: 01462 611028))

Additional documents:



  1. the provisions of the Direction issued under Section 24 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, as set out in paragraphs 1 to 3 of the report;
  2. the delegation of the power to the Interim Chief Executive to issue consents for the control of disposals, contracts and reserves to Bedfordshire County Council, Mid and South Bedfordshire District Councils; and
  3. the consent granted to date, as set out in Appendix “A” to the report

be noted.


The Shadow Executive received the report of the Interim Monitoring Officer informing Members of the Direction issued under Section 24 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, the provisions of which were set out in paragraphs 1 to 3 of the report. 


The report advised that the Leader had delegated power to the Interim Chief Executive to issue consents for the control of disposals, contracts and reserves to Bedfordshire County Council and Mid and South Bedfordshire District Councils.


A copy of a consent granted to Bedfordshire County Council was attached at Appendix “A” to the report for the information of the Shadow Executive.


Members were advised that a similar consent was still being negotiated for Mid Bedfordshire and South Bedfordshire District Councils to reflect their requirements.


Reason for decision:  To comply with the Direction and enable Bedfordshire County Council, Mid Bedfordshire District Council and South Bedfordshire District Council to continue to provide services in the period to 1 April 2009.




to note:


1.         the provisions of the Direction issued under Section 24 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, as set out in paragraphs 1 to 3 of the report;


2.         the delegation of the power to the Interim Chief Executive to issue consents for the control of disposals, contracts and reserves to Bedfordshire County Council, Mid and South Bedfordshire District Councils; and


3.         the consent granted to date, as set out in Appendix “A” to the report.



(To appoint a Member to sit on the Social Care, Health & Housing Transitional Task Force (TTF) and to appoint a replacement on the Customers & Community Engagement TTF due to the temporary absence of an existing Member.  Additionally, to appoint the Member Development Champions for Central Bedfordshire.  (Report of the Interim Monitoring Officer) (Contact Officer: Kathrin John  Tel: 01462 611033))


  1. that Cllr Michael Hearty be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Social Care, Health and Housing Transitional Task Force with immediate effect.
  2. that Cllr Mrs Fiona Chapman MBE be appointed to replace Cllr Ian Dalgarno on the Customers and Community Engagement Transitional Task Force during his period of absence.
  3. that the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, together with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, Cllr Richard Stay and the minority Group Leaders be appointed as the Member Development Champions for Central Bedfordshire.


The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Interim Monitoring Officer recommending the appointment of a Member to sit on the Social Care, Health and Housing Transitional Task Force (TTF) and to appoint a replacement on the Customers and Community Engagement TTF, due to the temporary absence of an existing Member.  The report also sought the appointment of Members to be Member Development Champions for Central Bedfordshire.


Reason for decision:  To enable a vacancy on the Social Care, Health and Housing TTF to be filled and to make arrangements to cover the forthcoming absence of a Member of the Customers and Community Engagement TTF.  To confirm the appointment of the Member Development Champions for Central Bedfordshire.




1.                   that Cllr Michael Hearty be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Social Care, Health and Housing Transitional Task Force with immediate effect.


2.                  that Cllr Mrs Fiona Chapman MBE be appointed to replace Cllr Ian Dalgarno on the Customers and Community Engagement Transitional Task Force during his period of absence.


3.         that the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, together with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, Cllr Richard Stay and the minority Group Leaders be appointed as the Member Development Champions for Central Bedfordshire.