Agenda, decisions and minutes

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Fire Station, Brewers Hill Road, Dunstable

Contact: Sandra Hobbs  0845 849 6257

Note No. Item



To approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting of the Shadow Executive held on 17 February 2009.


(previously circulated)





that the Minutes of the meeting of the Shadow Executive held on 17 February 2009 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.







At the Council meeting on 26 February 2009 Members approved the Council housing rents increase of 6.2% which was largely prescribed by the Government. Members queried whether, since the ministerial statement that the Government had decided not to impose the 6.2% rent increase, there would need to be a special Council meeting to amend that decision. Officers at South Bedfordshire District Council had suspended issuing details to tenants. Officers were looking into this and would advise Members as soon as possible.





To receive from Members declarations and the nature thereof in relation to:-




Personal Interests in any Agenda item




Personal and Prejudicial Interests in any Agenda item




Personal Interests:-









Personal and Prejudicial Interests:-





Nature of Interest

Present or Absent during discussion



Cllr R Stay


Chairman of Improvement East and had a role with Deloitte








(This report seeks approval of a number of key information policies for Central Bedfordshire Council.  (Report of the Director of Corporate Resources  (Contact Officer: Robert Wood  Tel: 01582 474161)))

Additional documents:


1.         that the Shadow Executive approves the Information and Records Management Policy as attached at Appendix A to the report, for implementation on 1 April 2009;

2.         that the Shadow Executive approves the ICT Acceptable Use Policy as attached at Appendix B to the report, for implementation on 1 April 2009;

3.                  that the Shadow Executive approves the Members ICT Provision Interim Policy, as set out in Appendix D to the report;

4.                  that the responsibility for the insertion of final administrative changes (e.g. contact details) be delegated to the Assistant Director (ICT) for the ICT Acceptable Use Policy (Appendix B) and the Members ICT Provision Interim Policy (Appendix D), and in conjunction with the Assistant Director (Policy and Performance) for the Information and Records Management Policy (Appendix A); and

5.                  that the Members ICT Provision Policy from June 2009 onwards, the Elected Members Information Policy and the Information Governance and Security Policy be considered at the meeting of the Executive on 12 May 2009.



The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Corporate Resources that sought approval of a number of key ICT information policies for Central Bedfordshire Council. Members were updated as follows:-



Appendices C ‘Elected Members Information Policy’ and E ‘Information Governance and Security Policy’ had been withdrawn and would be submitted to the Executive in May



a report on future provision of ICT would be submitted to the Executive in May, preceded by workshops that would be arranged for the end of April to ensure that all Members had the opportunity to influence their ICT provision from June 2009 onwards. Members were advised that they would continue using their current ICT facilities until June.


Members considered the:-



Information and Records Management Policy (Appendix A)


ICT Acceptable Use Policy (Appendix B)


Members ICT Provision Interim Policy (Appendix D)


Members were advised that the ICT Acceptable Use Policy would be reviewed in the future. Members queried the monitoring of e-mails and were advised that the Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000 was subject to case law. The Policy was written in line with the Information Commissioner’s Office guidelines.


Reason for decision: Central Bedfordshire Council has a need to meet a number of legal and best practice requirements relating to Information and its management. This compliance is defined through a number of policies. The Shadow Executive held on 17 February 2009 had approved the following policies:-



Data Protection Policy


Freedom of Information Policy


Environmental Information Regulations Policy


Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulation Policy




1.         that the Shadow Executive approves the Information and Records Management Policy as attached at Appendix A to the report, for implementation on 1 April 2009;


2.         that the Shadow Executive approves the ICT Acceptable Use Policy as attached at Appendix B to the report, for implementation on 1 April 2009;


3.         that the Shadow Executive approves the Members ICT Provision Interim Policy, as set out in Appendix D to the report;


4.         that the responsibility for the insertion of final administrative changes (e.g. contact details) be delegated to the Assistant Director (ICT) for the ICT Acceptable Use Policy (Appendix B) and the Members ICT Provision Interim Policy (Appendix D), and in conjunction with the Assistant Director (Policy and Performance) for the Information and Records Management Policy (Appendix A); and


5.         that the Members ICT Provision Policy from June 2009 onwards, the Elected Members Information Policy and the Information Governance and Security Policy be considered at the meeting of the Executive on 12 May 2009.





(To report on overall progress following the adoption of the Implementation Plan by Shadow Executive on 10 June 2008 and propose next steps.  (Report of the Programme Board  (Contact Officer: Simon Redmore  Tel: 01462 611255)))

Additional documents:


that a further report be made to the next meeting of the Executive.



The Shadow Executive received the report of the Programme Management Office with regard to the overall progress following the adoption of the Implementation Plan by the Shadow Executive on 10 June 2008.


Members were updated on the following areas:-



the Communities and Local Government (CLG) stock-take exercise took place on 10 March 2009 where the CLG representatives heard about the progress that had been made in creating Central Bedfordshire. They met with lead Councillors and Management Team colleagues to discuss developments in establishing the new council and how it would develop in the future. CLG were very pleased with the tremendous amount of work that had been done to bring together the three predecessor authorities within such short timescales



the staff structure mapping process was complete and letters would be sent to officers before the 23 March 2009



the missing Mid Beds payroll data had now been provided by Bedford Borough and a trial run had been completed



the disaggregation of the Tribal databases within the Children, Families and Learning Directorate would not be delivered by 1 April 2009; it had been agreed that this would now be disaggregated in June as this would reduce any risks



the Contact Centre would utilise Bedford Borough Council’s network initially owing to a problem with the technical kit, which would be installed by the end of April. Customers would see very little change in contacting the Council on 1 April 2009. Members requested that all members and town and parish councils receive a list of contacts and of generic e-mails for the main services. Officers confirmed that this information would be available in the members’ newsletter and the stakeholders’ newsletter.


Members also received an update on the Implementation Plan since progress was last reported to the Shadow Executive:-



line 28 – Agreement had now been reached with Bedford Borough Council on novation of the highways contract agreement to Central Bedfordshire by the end of March. Members requested a briefing note regarding the Amey contract



line 8 – CDRP partnership arrangements. All meetings and arrangements for the partnership were now in place



line 16 – Final disaggregation of County assets with Bedford Borough Council. An agreement had still not been reached, it was hoped that a settlement would be agreed before 31 March 2009



line 25 – Service level agreements (SLAs) for shared services. Copies of the SLAs were being printed and it was hoped that these would all be signed before 27 March 2009. Where there was still no detailed agreement, the arrangements would default to a 60:40 split. Members were advised that the SLA template would be included in the Members’ Newsletter



line 27 – SWIFT solution interfaced and tested. Officers confirmed that SWIFT was fully working.


Members discussed the financial commitments against the revised transitional budget and they were concerned to know whether some areas such as accommodation and ICT costs would cost more than the revised budget. Members were advised that seeking external help on the accommodation/property advice  ...  view the full minutes text for item 102.




(To set out the nature, benefits and cost of work being commissioned from Deloitte to support the programme to create Central Bedfordshire.  (Report of the Programme Board  (Contact Officer: Simon Redmore  Tel: 01462 611255)))


that the Shadow Executive or the Executive approves expenditure with Deloitte above the delegation threshold subject to consultation by the Interim Head of Staff with the Chairman of the Shadow Executive.



The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Programme Board that set out the nature, benefits and cost of work being commissioned from Deloitte to support the programme to create Central Bedfordshire. Deloitte had been requested to undertake two additional activities, HR process work and IT financial support, which had resulted in additional cost.


Reason for decision: To enable services to continue to be procured from Deloitte within the provisions of the Shadow Council’s financial procedure rules.




that the Shadow Executive or the Executive approves expenditure with Deloitte above the delegation threshold subject to consultation by the Interim Head of Staff with the Chairman of the Shadow Executive.






(To hand over to the Shadow Executive the conclusions and next steps arising from the work of the Transitional Task Forces.  (Report of the Programme Management Office (Contact Officer: Simon Redmore  Tel: 01462 611255)))

Additional documents:


1.         that the reports of the Member Transitional Task Forces at Appendices A to E to the report be noted;

2.         that the medium term issues identified in Appendices A to E be included in the next stage of programme planning for further consideration at a future meeting of the Executive.



The Shadow Executive considered the Report of the Programme Management Office that set out the conclusions and next steps arising from the work of the Transitional Task Forces. The Portfolio Holders would take these forward into Central Bedfordshire and would be included in the next stage of programme planning for further consideration at a future Executive meeting.


Reason for decision: To fulfil a requirement in the agreed Implementation Strategy and to capture learning arising from the transition period.




1.         that the reports of the Member Transitional Task Forces at Appendices A to E to the report be noted;


2.         that the medium term issues identified in Appendices A to E be included in the next stage of programme planning for further consideration at a future meeting of the Executive.






(This report seeks the approval of the Corporate Risk Management Strategy in support of the creation of Central Bedfordshire.  (Report of the Director of Corporate Resources (Contact Officer: Nick Murley  Tel: 01462 611605)))

Additional documents:


that the Shadow Executive:-

1.            approves the Corporate Risk Management Strategy attached at Appendix 1, subject to including under no. 3 ‘Benefits of Risk Management’ (h) an extra bullet point on the use of risk management relating to partnership working; and

2.            requests that the Audit Committee, at its meeting on 6 April 2009, determine the detailed working practices in support of the Risk Management Strategy.



The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Corporate Resources that sought Members’ approval of the Corporate Risk Management Strategy in support of the creation of Central Bedfordshire.


Members agreed that under the heading ‘Assurance and Improved Governance’ there should be details on the use of risk management relating to partnership working.


Discussions had taken place with the Chairman of the Audit Committee with regard to their first meeting on 6 April 2009. The Audit Committee would be responsible for the Risk Management Framework and the Executive would be responsible for the monitoring of risks.


Reason for decision: To enable Central Bedfordshire to have a Corporate Risk Management Strategy in place from 1 April 2009.




that the Shadow Executive:-


1.         approves the Corporate Risk Management Strategy attached at Appendix 1, subject to including under no. 3 ‘Benefits of Risk Management’ (h) an extra bullet point on the use of risk management relating to partnership working; and


2.         requests that the Audit Committee, at its meeting on 6 April 2009, determine the detailed working practices in support of the Risk Management Strategy.





1.            that, in line with current practice of the predecessor authority, Central Bedfordshire should only operate the discretion available under Regulation 52 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (“added years”), or the Teachers (Compensation for Redundancy and Premature Retirement) Regulations 2006, the most exceptional circumstances;

2.            that the Shadow Executive adopts a policy based on the statutory scheme (using actual weekly pay) that makes use of the available discretion under the redundancy compensation scheme to award up to 30 weeks in general and up to 45 weeks pay, in exceptional circumstances, and where supported by a robust business case;

3.            that the Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources, be authorised to implement the severance/early retirement policy for school based staff with effect from 1 April 2009 in accordance with recommendation 2;

4.            that the policy in respect of severance and early retirement be included in the suite of school based employee policies for the new Council.



The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Corporate Resources that sought Members’ approval of the Severance/Early Retirement Policy for Central Bedfordshire Unitary Council’s school based staff to be effective from 1 April 2009. The Policy had been agreed with Senior Management, Trade Unions and professional associations.


In relation to applying “added years”, no discretion had been exercised by Bedfordshire County Council in the last five years. It was recommended that Central Bedfordshire adopt this position, and would therefore allow discretion to be applied only in the most exceptional circumstances. Members were advised that the Panel considering the exceptional circumstances would not be a new committee, but would fit in with the existing committee structure.


Reason for decision: Central Bedfordshire was required to determine a policy for Severance/Early Retirement for school based staff which would be effective from 1 April 2009.




1.         that, in line with current practice of the predecessor authority, Central Bedfordshire should only operate the discretion available under Regulation 52 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (“added years”), or the Teachers (Compensation for Redundancy and Premature Retirement) Regulations 2006, in the most exceptional circumstances;


2.         that the Shadow Executive adopts a policy based on the statutory scheme (using actual weekly pay) that makes use of the available discretion under the redundancy compensation scheme to award up to 30 weeks in general and up to 45 weeks pay, in exceptional circumstances, and where supported by a robust business case;


3.         that the Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources, be authorised to implement the severance/early retirement policy for school based staff with effect from 1 April 2009 in accordance with recommendation 2;


4.         that the policy in respect of severance and early retirement be included in the suite of school based employee policies for the new Council.





(To consider further the appointment of representatives of Central Bedfordshire to serve upon the Joint Selection Committee for the Bedfordshire Police Authority, following an initial view from the Home Office.  Additionally to consider a proposed amendment to the appointments to the Fire Authority.  (Report of the Director of Corporate Resources (Contact Officer: Kathrin John  Tel: 01462 611033 / Rob Mills  Tel: 0845 849 6274)))

Additional documents:


that the Shadow Executive:-

1.            agrees to the Home Office Minister’s proposal to establish a Joint Selection Committee of 11 (comprising 3 members of Bedford Borough Council, 5 members of Central Bedfordshire Council and 3 members of Luton Borough Council);

2.            nominates Councillors Gibson, Hollick, Spurr, Mrs C Turner and Golby to serve upon the Joint Selection Committee;

3.            concurs with the proposal of Luton Borough Council that the composition of the Joint Selection Committee should be reviewed every two years and adjusted as necessary, to reflect any changes in population;

4.            approves the revised Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Joint Selection Committee, as set out at Appendix B to the report;

5.         re-affirms its view that the Joint Selection Committee should allocate seats on the Police Authority to each relevant council on the basis of population and that therefore the allocation should be as follows:-

            Bedford Borough Council                                 2 seats

            Central Bedfordshire Council                       4 seats

            Luton Borough Council                                   3 seats

6.         re-affirms the nominations made to the Police Authority on the assumption of 4 seats being allocated to Central Bedfordshire by the Joint Selection Committee;

7.            delegates authority to the Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and relevant Group Leaders, to make nominations to the Policy Authority, as necessary, in the event that the Joint Selection Committee agrees to an alternative allocation of seats;

8.            endorses the appointment of Cllrs A Duggan and J Saunders to represent Central Bedfordshire on the Bedfordshire Fire Authority until the elections in June, in place of Cllrs M Gibson and R Johnstone.


The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Corporate Resources that considered the appointment of representatives of Central Bedfordshire to serve upon the Joint Selection Committee for the Bedfordshire Police Authority, following an initial view from the Home Office. The report also considered the proposed amendment to the appointments to the Fire Authority.


A note was tabled that revised the political balance calculations for the stage 2 calculation for the Bedfordshire Police Authority.


Members recommended that the 5 Members to serve upon the Joint Selection Committee would be Councillors M Gibson, Hollick, Spurr, C Turner and Golby.


Members were advised that the Joint Selection Committee would appoint the members to the Police Authority, but Central Bedfordshire could suggest nominations. The current political allocation was 3 Conservative seats and 1 Liberal Democrat seat, leaving 2 Conservative seats to be filled by Bedford Borough Council.


Members agreed to endorse the appointment of Councillor A Duggan to represent Central Bedfordshire on the Bedfordshire Fire Authority until the elections in June, in place of Councillor M Gibson and to replace Councillor R Johnstone with Councillor J Saunders.


Reason for decision: In order to comply with the provisions of The Local Government (Structural Changes) (Membership of Public Bodies in Bedfordshire, Cheshire and Wiltshire) Order 2008, to progress the arrangements for establishing a Joint Committee with Bedford and Luton Borough Councils to select Members to represent Central Bedfordshire on the Bedfordshire Police Authority.




that the Shadow Executive:-


1.         agrees to the Home Office Minister’s proposal to establish a Joint Selection Committee of 11 (comprising 3 members of Bedford Borough Council, 5 members of Central Bedfordshire Council and 3 members of Luton Borough Council);


2.         nominates Councillors Gibson, Hollick, Spurr, C Turner and Golby to serve upon the Joint Selection Committee;


3.         concurs with the proposal of Luton Borough Council that the composition of the Joint Selection Committee should be reviewed every two years and adjusted as necessary, to reflect any changes in population;


4.         approves the revised Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Joint Selection Committee, as set out at Appendix B to the report;


5.         re-affirms its view that the Joint Selection Committee should allocate seats on the Police Authority to each relevant council on the basis of population and that therefore the allocation should be as follows:-


Bedford Borough Council                        2 seats

Central Bedfordshire Council                  4 seats

Luton Borough Council                            3 seats


6.         re-affirms the nominations made to the Police Authority on the assumption of 4 seats being allocated to Central Bedfordshire by the Joint Selection Committee;


7.         delegates authority to the Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and relevant Group Leaders, to make nominations to the Policy Authority, as necessary, in the event that the Joint Selection Committee agrees to an alternative allocation of seats;


8.         endorses the appointment of Cllrs A Duggan and J Saunders to represent Central Bedfordshire on the Bedfordshire Fire Authority until the elections in June, in place  ...  view the full minutes text for item 107.




(This report seeks agreement from Central Bedfordshire Council to take over from the County Council its share of the Luton Dunstable busway. (Report of the Director of Sustainable Communities  (Contact Officer: Dave Buck  Tel: 01234 228694)))

Additional documents:


1.         that the Shadow Executive agrees to take over from Bedfordshire County Council, as an equal partner with Luton Borough Council, on the Luton Dunstable Busway and that it enters into a legal agreement, as set out in Appendix A to the report, subject to further amendments including the provision of a definition of total project costs.  Approval of the final terms of the agreement to be delegated to the Director of Sustainable Communities in consultation with the Assistant Director Legal and Democratic and the Portfolio Holders for Sustainable Development and Corporate Resources;

2.         that the Shadow Executive authorises the Director of Sustainable Communities to write to the Department of Transport confirming that the shadow authority fully understands the consequences of Full Approval for the new authority and that it will be ready to take over the scheme and the costs from Bedfordshire County Council;

3.         that the Director of Sustainable Communities and Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Sustainable Development and Corporate Resources be given delegated authority to progress the busway scheme up to the award of tender decision; and

4.         that the award of contract decision is reserved to the Executive.


The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Sustainable Communities that sought agreement from Central Bedfordshire to take over from Bedfordshire County Council its share of the Luton Dunstable Busway. The Department for Transport (DfT) had placed a condition on the government funding until “Full Approval” had been received. The “Full Approval” needed confirmation from Central Bedfordshire that it fully understood the consequences of “Full Approval” for the new authority and that it was ready to take over the scheme and costs from Bedfordshire County Council.


Members raised concerns that the Busway, although running in some areas along the old Luton-Dunstable railway line, would join existing roads and be caught up in congestion.


Members agreed that involvement in the project was a necessity at this stage to ensure that Central Bedfordshire would have an input into the development of the project. If Central Bedfordshire did not sign up to the agreement Luton Borough Council would be able to compulsorily purchase land within Central Bedfordshire and there was a threat that Central Bedfordshire would not receive Local Transport Plan funding which could have an impact on other proposals such as the Dunstable Northern Bypass.


Members agreed to enter into a legal agreement as set out in Appendix A to the report, but there were concerns that there needed to be a definition of total project costs and a review of the reference to total financial resources of more than £6m.


Reason for decision: The Luton Dunstable Busway scheme was expected to go out to tender within the next few weeks. Powers to construct and the award of funding were granted to Luton Borough Council following the County Council’s previous withdrawal from the scheme. The County Council currently enjoys an equal partner status following a previous legal agreement which had now expired. A new agreement was required to provide all authorities with the confidence and commitment to continue with the scheme.




1.         that the Shadow Executive agrees to take over from Bedfordshire County Council, as an equal partner with Luton Borough Council, on the Luton Dunstable Busway and that it enters into a legal agreement, as set out in Appendix A to the report, subject to further amendments including (a) amending the date in paragraph 4 to 1 April 2009 and (b) providing a definition of total projected costs in paragraph 11. Approval of the final terms of the agreement to be delegated to the Director of Sustainable Communities in consultation with the Assistant Director Legal and Democratic and the Portfolio Holders for Sustainable Development and Corporate Resources;


2.         that the Shadow Executive authorises the Director of Sustainable Communities to write to the Department of Transport confirming that the shadow authority fully understands the consequences of Full Approval for the new authority and that it will be ready to take over the scheme and the costs from Bedfordshire County Council;


3.         that the Director of Sustainable Communities and Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 108.




(To agree the Evaluation criteria to be used for the BEaR Project procurement process.  (Report of the Director of Sustainable Communities  (Contact Officer: Ben Finlayson  Tel: 01234 228927)))

Additional documents:


that the Shadow Executive is requested to:-

1.         note the contents of this report including the Project update;

2.         agree the proposed criteria, sub criteria and weightings, as amended in the Chairman’s Briefing Note, to be used to evaluate bidders’ submissions during the procurement for the long-term residual waste treatment contract;

3.            authorise the Director of Sustainable Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Safer & Stronger Communities to make minor and consequential amendments.


The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Sustainable Communities that sought Members’ approval of the evaluation criteria to be used for the BEaR Project procurement process. A revised table 2 – level 3 criteria and associated weightings was circulated with the Chairman’s Briefing Note.


Members were advised that the evaluation criteria were designed to engage on a technologically neutral basis and were specifically designed for Bedfordshire. The criteria had been checked by the project’s external consultants to ensure that they did not favour or discriminate against any particular type of waste processing facility. If changes were made to the criteria it was likely to lead to certain technologies gaining an advantage which would be against the established policy of the Partnership authorities. Bidders for the project would be able to suggest suitable locations for a project(s).


Reason for decision: Recommendation (2): Item 8, Section C of the Joint Working Agreement identified the approval of the evaluation criteria as a “Reserved Matter” for agreement by each Executive Committee. The Partnership is going out to the market technology neutral basis (no preferred technology choice). The evaluation criteria had been developed to enable all technologies to be evaluated on an equal basis.


Recommendation (3): The production of the Evaluation Criteria was a complex process following tight timescales. Due to the amount of work involved and the constantly changing market conditions the criteria and weightings for each stage of the procurement were not yet finalised. The criteria and weightings must be provided to bidders ahead of each procurement stage and the Team would work to ensure that they were finalised ahead of this time. The report to the Shadow Executive along with the attached Appendices detailed the high level criteria and weightings which were unlikely to change.




that the Shadow Executive is requested to:-


1.         note the contents of this report including the Project update;


2.         agree the proposed criteria, sub criteria and weightings, as amended in the Chairman’s briefing note, to be used to evaluate bidders’ submissions during the procurement for the long-term residual waste treatment contract;


3.         authorise the Director of Sustainable Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Safer & Stronger Communities to make minor and consequential amendments.





(To agree the required action to ensure that a single Drug Intervention Programme Scheme covering the local authority areas of Bedford, Central Bedfordshire and Luton is implemented on 1 April 2009.  (Report of the Director of Sustainable Communities  (Contact Officer: Jane Moakes  Tel: 0845 849 6336)))

Additional documents:


1.         that the Bedfordshire County Council contract with the service provider ending 31 March 2009 be assigned to Central Bedfordshire;

2.         that the assigned contract with Central Bedfordshire be varied and extended for a period of 12 months to enable a single Drug Intervention Programme (DIP) Scheme across Bedfordshire to be implemented;

3.         that the contract for the single Drug Intervention Programme (DIP) Scheme for Bedfordshire (including Luton) be tendered in line with EU procurement rules and Central Bedfordshire contract procedure and procurement rules; and that the minimum 6 month period be extended to 12 months and that the new contract therefore be let from 1 April 2010.



The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Sustainable Communities regarding the required action to ensure that a single Drug Intervention Programme Scheme covering the local authority areas of Bedford, Central Bedfordshire and Luton was implemented on 1 April 2009.


The Home Office had recommended that a single Drug Intervention Programme covering Bedfordshire and Luton replace the two separate schemes currently operated by the Bedfordshire Drug and Alcohol Team in Bedfordshire and the Luton Drug Action Partnership in Luton. To ensure that a single scheme was, in effect, in place for 1 April 2009 the only option available was to vary and extend for a specific time period the existing contracts currently held by Bedfordshire County Council and Luton Primary Care Trust. The Bedfordshire County Council (BCC) contract would be assigned to Central Bedfordshire and the responsibility for varying and extending the previous BCC contract would fall to Central Bedfordshire.


Reason for decision: The actions detailed in the recommendations must be undertaken to ensure that the service can be delivered.




1.         that the Bedfordshire County Council contract with the service provider ending 31 March 2009 be assigned to Central Bedfordshire;


2.         that the assigned contract with Central Bedfordshire be varied and extended for a period of 12 months to enable a single Drug Intervention Programme (DIP) Scheme across Bedfordshire to be implemented;


3.         that the contract for the single Drug Intervention Programme (DIP) Scheme for Bedfordshire (including Luton) be tendered in line with EU procurement rules and Central Bedfordshire contract procedure and procurement rules; and that the minimum 6 month period be extended to 12 months and that the new contract therefore be let from 1 April 2010.





(1.   The report sets out the proposed approach for tackling inequality, disadvantage and discrimination in Central Bedfordshire.


(2.   The report highlights key actions to be implemented in 2009/10 to enable Central Bedfordshire Council to meet its statutory duties and obligations under the Equalities legislation and the ambition to be a high performing Council when assessed against the new Equality Framework for Local Government.

(Report of the Director of Business Transformation  (Contact Officer: Elaine Malarky  Tel: 0845 849 6230)))


1.         that Shadow Executive endorses the approach proposed in paragraphs 5-12 and the specific key actions to be implemented during 2009/10 as set out in Appendix 1 subject to the Heads of Service titles being amended to Assistant Director;

2.         that Shadow Executive request the Policy Team, within Business Transformation, to lead on embedding strong principles of equality and diversity in working practices across Central Bedfordshire.



The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Business Transformation which set out the proposed approach for tackling inequality, disadvantage and discrimination in Central Bedfordshire. The report highlighted key actions to be implemented in 2009/10 to enable Central Bedfordshire Council to meet its statutory duties and obligations under the Equalities legislation and the ambition to be a high performing Council when assessed against the new Equality Framework for Local Government.


Reason for decision: All public authorities had statutory duties to eliminate unlawful discrimination, promote equality of opportunity in respect of race, disability and gender. The legislation placed a positive duty on authorities, to remove unlawful discrimination and eliminate harassment. These responsibilities cover both service delivery and employment practices. Central Bedfordshire had a unique opportunity to bring together existing good practice and mainstream equality across all its activities from the outset and the outcomes, set out in paragraph 10 of the report, will be core to our success.


Central Bedfordshire’s approach to equality and diversity would be externally assessed in the context of Comprehensive Area Assessment and the new Equality framework.




1.         that Shadow Executive endorses the approach proposed in paragraphs 5-12 and the specific key actions to be implemented during 2009/10 as set out in Appendix 1 subject to the Heads of Service titles being amended to Assistant Director;


2.         that Shadow Executive request the Policy Team, within Business Transformation, to lead on embedding strong principles of equality and diversity in working practices across Central Bedfordshire.





(The report details the recommendation for the Executive to reach agreement on the corporate feedback procedure for Central Bedfordshire Council to promote effective and streamlined feedback handling.  The feedback procedure covers compliments, comments and complaints.  (Report of the Director of Business Transformation  (Contact Officer: Sonya Branagan  Tel: 01234 276086 )))

Additional documents:


1.                  that the Shadow Executive adopts the proposed corporate procedures for handling and responding to customer feedback as set out in Appendices A and B subject to the following amendments in Appendix A:

·        paragraph 8.2.4 – including a sentence that members will be kept informed of the progress of the complaint

·        paragraph 8.3.1 – a complaint can be made to any member or officer orally or in writing;

2.         that the Executive review the corporate procedures for handling and responding to customer feedback within 12 months.



The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Business Transformation with regard to reaching an agreement on the corporate feedback procedure for Central Bedfordshire to promote effective and streamlined feedback handling. The feedback procedure covers compliments, comments and complaints.


Members requested that Appendix A ‘Customer Feedback Procedure’ be amended as follows:


·                    paragraph 8.2.4 - include a sentence that members will be kept informed of the progress of the complaint


·                    paragraph 8.3.1 – a complaint can be made to any member or officer orally or in writing.


Members agreed that the corporate feedback procedure be reviewed within 12 months.


Reason for decision: The Council would need to have in place a customer feedback procedure detailing how it would deal with compliments, comments and complaints. By adopting the procedure the Council would meet the expectations of the Local Government Ombudsman to have a defined procedure that included independent scrutiny of complaints. Customers would have access to an open and transparent approach to customer feedback. Officers would have a tool to promote the capture of customers’ issues to inform service improvement.




1.         that the Shadow Executive adopts the proposed corporate procedures for handling and responding to customer feedback as set out in Appendices A and B subject to the following amendments in Appendix A:-


·                    paragraph 8.2.4 – including a sentence that members will be kept informed of the progress of the complaint

·                    paragraph 8.3.1 – a complaint can be made to any member or officer orally or in writing;


2.         that the Executive review the corporate procedures for handling and responding to customer feedback within 12 months.





(1.   To advise the Shadow Authority of its statutory duty and powers in relation to its Corporate Parenting role and roles relating to the statutory Adoption and Fostering Panels.


2. To ask the Shadow Executive to agree to the establishment of a Central  Bedfordshire Corporate Parenting Panel and to appoint members of that Panel and to the statutory Adoption and Fostering Panels.

(Report of the Director of Children, Families and Learning  (Contact Officer: Patricia Coker  Tel: 0845 849 6091)))


1.         that the Shadow Executive approves the establishment of the Corporate Parenting Panel for Central Bedfordshire in accordance with the terms of reference set out in Appendix 1 to the report subject to:

·        removing the words in paragraph 9 second sentence ‘It is proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning Chairs the Panel’

·        amending the wording on Appendix 1 first bullet point under Elected Members to ‘Eight elected members, including the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning, and a member of the Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

2.         that the Shadow Executive notes the legal responsibility given to local authorities by the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004, and the requirement that all council employees, directorates, service areas and elected members must consider “looked after” children and young people as if they were their own children and provide services for them accordingly;

3.         that the Shadow Executive assigns the accountability for the Corporate Parenting Panel to the Central Bedfordshire Scrutiny Committee for the period April 2009 to June 2009 and considers transfer of accountability subsequently to the Children, Families and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee, when established;

4.         that the Corporate Parenting Panel produce twice-yearly reports to be presented to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee;

5.         that eight elected members, to be notified by the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning, be appointed in accordance with political proportionality (6 Conservative and 2 minority) to serve upon the Corporate Parenting Panel for the period April to June 2009, to include the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning and a representative of the Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

6.         that the Shadow Executive notes the requirement, as set out in Appendix 2 to this report, to have in place Adoption and Fostering Panels (in the case of Central Bedfordshire the Fostering Panel will be split into Fostering and Fostering Permanence, (the latter to be referred to subsequently as the Permanence Panel));

7.         that one member of the Corporate Parenting Panel be appointed to serve upon each of the:-

(a)              Joint Adoption Panel;

(b)              Fostering Panel; and

(c)               Fostering Permanence Panel.



The Shadow Executive considered the report of the Director of Children, Families and Learning that set out the statutory duty and powers in relation to its Corporate Parenting role and roles relating to the statutory Adoption and Fostering Panels. The report sought Members’ approval to the establishment of a Central Bedfordshire Corporate Parenting Panel and to appoint members of that Panel and to the statutory Adoption and Fostering Panels. Members acknowledged that Officers and Members were corporate parents of the community.


Members agreed that it would not be appropriate for the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning to chair the Panel as suggested in paragraph 9 of the report. They noted that the minutes from each meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel would be submitted to the Children, Families and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which would also receive a twice yearly report on the activities of the Panel.


Members were advised that the Laming Report could have massive implications on the processes and procedures within the Children, Families and Learning Directorate. Members requested that a summary of the Laming Report be circulated Members.


Reason for decision: Elected Members had an overall responsibility for ensuring that children and young people, both while they were in care and when they leave the care of the local authority, were healthy, safe, enjoyed and achieved, made a positive contribution and achieved economic wellbeing. The role of the Corporate Parent was to ensure that the service the council provided, as a whole, contributed towards achieving these positive outcomes for these children and young people.


To secure a transition to the unitary Council and to enable the Council to fulfil its statutory obligation within safeguarding to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people who were in the care of the local authority.




1.         that the Shadow Executive approves the establishment of the Corporate Parenting Panel for Central Bedfordshire in accordance with the terms of reference set out in Appendix 1 to the report subject to:-


·                    removing the words in paragraph 9 second sentence ‘It is proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning Chairs the Panel’


·                    amending the wording on Appendix 1 first bullet point under Elected Members to ‘Eight elected members, including the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning, and a member of the Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


2.         that the Shadow Executive notes the legal responsibility given to local authorities by the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004, and the requirement that all council employees, directorates, service areas and elected members must consider “looked after” children and young people as if they were their own children and provide services for them accordingly;


3.         that the Shadow Executive assigns the accountability for the Corporate Parenting Panel to the Central Bedfordshire Scrutiny Committee for the period April 2009 to June 2009 and considers transfer of accountability subsequently to the Children, Families and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee, when established;


4.         that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 113.




(1.               To advise the Shadow Authority of its statutory duty to set up a SACRE.

(2.               To ask the Shadow Executive to agree to the establishment of a Central Bedfordshire SACRE.

(Report of the Director of Children, Families and Learning  (Contact Officer: Patrick Shevlin  Tel: 01234 836004)))


1.         that the Central Bedfordshire Council establishes a SACRE in accordance to the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1988 and the Education Act 1996;

2.         that the Shadow Executive approves, in principle, the draft constitution for a Central Bedfordshire SACRE as set out in paragraphs 13 – 19 of the report;

3.         that the Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning be authorised:-

(i)                 to amend the constitution and composition of the SACRE, as appropriate following initial consideration by the elected members appointed to serve upon the SACRE; and

(ii)               to undertake the recruitment process and make appointments to the SACRE in respect of the representatives of the faith groups and teachers’ associations;

4.         that five selected members (4 Conservative namely Councillors Costin,  D Lawrence, Street and Swaisland and 1 minority Councillor to be notified) be appointed to represent the Council upon the Central Bedfordshire SACRE.



The Shadow Executive considered a report by the Director of Children, Families and Learning which advised of the Central Bedfordshire’s statutory duty to set up a SACRE.


Reason for decision: To comply with the legal requirements and ensure that Council Members were able to fulfil their statutory duties.




1.         that the Central Bedfordshire Council establishes a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) in accordance with the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1988 and the Education Act 1996;


2.         that the Shadow Executive approves, in principle, the draft constitution for a Central Bedfordshire SACRE as set out in paragraphs 13 – 19 of the report;


3.         that the Interim Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Learning be authorised:-


(i)        to amend the constitution and composition of the SACRE, as appropriate following initial consideration by the elected members appointed to serve upon the SACRE; and

(ii)       to undertake the recruitment process and make appointments to the SACRE in respect of the representatives of the faith groups and teachers’ associations;


4.         that five selected members (4 Conservatives namely Councillors Costin, D Lawrence, Street and Swaisland and 1 minority Councillor to be notified) be appointed to represent the Council upon the Central Bedfordshire SACRE.





(Central Bedfordshire has received an indicative indication that it will be included in the Building Schools for the Future Programme.  The programme could provide substantial government grant so that the whole school building estate for secondary age children can be improved and rebuilt to support the transformation of learning and achievement in Central Bedfordshire schools.


This report provides information about Central Bedfordshire’s approach to the Government’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) initiative and seeks approval for the governance arrangements  that will be needed to implement the programme should we be successful.  This must include a Local Education Partnership (LEP).  This report also sets out proposals for how the preparation work might be funded with a view to a further report at a later date.  The further report will include full options appraisal.  (Report of the Director of Children, Families and Learning  (Contact Officer: Edwina Grant  Tel: 01462 611229)))


1.         that in order to progress with the preparation for the Planning of Building Schools for the Future, Members agree the draft governance and management arrangements as detailed within the report, subject to amending the membership of the project preparation board to include the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources and to amend the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Communities to the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development;

2.         that early preparation work be done within existing budget provision and that a further report be brought to Members when the outcome of the BSF allocations is known and when actual costs of preparation will be easier to estimate; and

3.         that the proposal to establish a Local Education Partnership at the appropriate time to deliver BSF in Central Bedfordshire be endorsed and in the meantime the Learning and Transformation Board undertake the preparatory work.



The Shadow Executive considered a report by the Director of Children, Families and Learning which set out the indicative indication that Central Bedfordshire would be included in the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Programme. The report provided Members with information about Central Bedfordshire’s approach to the BSF initiative.

Members were advised that they would receive at a future Executive meeting an option appraisal setting out 3 options.


Reason for decision: The Government required as a condition of it's funding that each local authority established a Project Board, Project Team and Stakeholder Group. BSF could be the biggest investment programme managed by the local authority and additional resources would inevitably be needed to manage a time-limited, unprecedented capital investment programme. The Local Education Partnership would be the single point of contact for the procurement, delivery and integration of all services required. It would organise a supply chain comprising the necessary skills and experience e.g. design teams, builders, ICT providers, facility management companies.




1.         that in order to progress with the preparation for the Planning of Building Schools for the Future, Members agree the draft governance and management arrangements as detailed within the report, subject to amending the membership of the project preparation board to include the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources and to amend the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Communities to the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development;


2.         that early preparation work be done within existing budget provision and that a further report be brought to Members when the outcome of the BSF allocations is known and when actual costs of preparation will be easier to estimate; and


3.         that the proposal to establish a Local Education Partnership at the appropriate time to deliver BSF in Central Bedfordshire be endorsed and in the meantime the Learning and Transformation Board undertake the preparatory work.






The Forward Plan for the period 1 April 2009 to 31 July 2009 published on 16 March 2009, was received.


As it was the last meeting that Simon Redmore, Deputy Chief Executive, Mid Bedfordshire District Council would be in attendance, the Leader of the Council thanked him for his hard work during the transition period.